Prophetic Power of Praying in Tongues—Why Satan Wants to Keep You Silent
But I say, walk habitually in the [Holy] Spirit [seek Him and be responsive to His guidance], and then you will certainly not carry out the desire of the sinful nature [which responds impulsively without regard for God and His precepts] (Galatians 5:16 AMP).
When I was at the Assemblies of God college, someone handed me a black audio tape that did not have a picture on it.
The title was “Your Relationship with the Holy Spirit,” and I did not know the preacher. The person who gave it to me said, “You might want to keep this to yourself because this particular denomination doesn’t approve of him.” They gave me books written by a different Bible teacher named Kenneth Hagin. I had to hide those under my rug at college because I would have gotten kicked out for possessing what they considered false doctrine.
The Power of Praying in Tongues
But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life (Jude 1:20-21).
I hid the books The Name of Jesus and The Authority of the Believer under my rug along with the cassette tape I was given. At first, when I would put the tape on, I could pray in tongues for more than ten minutes, but without it, I could not. I built myself up so that I could pray in the Spirit for three hours while listening to it. As I started my second year of college, I prayed in tongues for three hours from three o’clock to six o’clock every morning, listening to this cassette until I wore it out.
Once I graduated from that college, I had an intense visitation from the Lord and He told me I would attend Rhema Bible College in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He also said that I would not be going anywhere yet. I responded, “Well, Lord, I’m graduating, but I have to get accepted and move my stuff.” He instructed me to tell the college admin that I wanted to keep my dorm room through August. I was perplexed because Rhema started in August. The Lord then said, “I want you to fast. I want you to pray in tongues. I want you to quit your job as a security officer for the campus.”
What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding (1 Corinthians 14:15).
Returning to the Ancient Paths
Dr. Kevin L. Zadai
In response to the instructions of the Lord, I quit my job, prayed in tongues every day, and fasted. At the end of this time, I broke out in a song in tongues to the tune of “Amazing Grace.” At first, when the Lord told me to sing in tongues, I thought, I’m not even allowed to do that here. That’s an abuse of tongues. Regardless, the Lord had me sing “Amazing Grace” in tongues out loud. Suddenly, there was a knock on my door, and I was concerned I was in trouble with the tongues police; I am not even joking. That denomination only believed in tongues in theory.
When I answered the door, a guy I had never seen was standing there. Nobody was supposed to be on the floor. He asked me, “What area of the Yucatan Peninsula are you from? Because you just sang ‘Amazing Grace’ in my dialect.” I was still trying to figure out who this guy was who was crying at my door. I told him I was from Pittsburgh, and we could not even speak English correctly. He told me I sang perfectly in his dialect and that he had never heard the song arranged that way before.
Through tears, this young man asked if he could come in. He said, “I just got kicked out of the Baptist Bible college. We were having a prayer meeting, and the whole group of students there got baptized in the Holy Spirit.” Back then, we used to have phone books, so after he was expelled, he found the college I was in because he thought they believed in tongues. He was accepted and moved in across from me. The Lord had me stay an extra month just to meet him.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language. Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, “Look, are not all these who speak Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born?” (Acts 2:4-8).
This student, whom I had just met, asked me to say something else in tongues. I thought, This is an abuse of tongues. He insisted that I continue, so I did. Then he proceeded to tell me what I said in tongues. The Lord let us have a week together where I spoke in tongues, and he translated. Knowing nothing that the Lord had previously revealed to me, he said, “You are going to a school in Oklahoma called Rhema. The Lord’s saying over and over again, ‘Understand, Kevin, that this school will lead you into abundant life.’”
Through the interpretation of my tongues, the young man told me that I would be leaving the next week and gave me the specific day. He explained that I should arrive in Tulsa by five o’clock in the evening and that the Lord would provide a car, a place to stay, and a job. The Lord again confirmed through him that I was going to Rhema. I explained that I had not even been accepted yet. He replied, “It’s already taken care of.”
The young man and I continued to pray in our dorm. By the end of the week, the Lord had given me even more details about my move, such as the bus I would take. He said I would leave in the early morning hours. I only had thirty dollars. When my friend called Trailways Bus Station, they said they had one bus that went to Tulsa from Springfield, Missouri, that left at 3:30 in the morning, and it was thirty dollars. There was only one seat left. I am not making any of this up.
What Submission to the Holy Spirit Does
I want to show you what humility will do. Once you submit yourself to God, the Holy Spirit can operate in your life. God will make sure He gets you where you need to be, but you have to work under His guidance and authority. The college student who had interpreted my tongues took me to the bus station to leave for Tulsa at 3:30 in the morning. I sat down in the last remaining seat. Everyone on the bus waited for me because they were coming from somewhere else, and there was only that one seat.
I sat beside a very kind lady who asked why I was headed to Tulsa. I told her that I was going to school there. She asked if I was going to Rhema, and when I told her I was, she said, “I’m a second-year student.” Amazingly, I ended up sitting beside someone who had been a Rhema student for one year.
This Rhema student asked me where I was staying, and I told her I did not know yet. Surprised, she asked, “What? You don’t know? Well, do you have a ride?” I told her I did not. She asked if I needed to make a phone call when we arrived, and I shared with her that the Lord told me to go to Oral Roberts University (ORU) to the prayer tower and stand there with my luggage. So she dropped me off there.
All these great things are happening now with Warrior Notes because I died to myself and learned to be led by the Spirit; I am certainly not doing this on my own. When the lady dropped me off at ORU, she said, “Well, I’ll see you at school.”
Shortly afterward, the security guard came by and asked if he could help me. I thought, This looks bad, and there’s nothing I can do to make sense of it, but I just told him, “I’m waiting for a ride.” He asked if I had one, and I told him I did not. I told him I needed to call a friend from my previous college who was the head of my dorm hall. He had just graduated a year prior and then went to Rhema. At that time, he was in his second year of Rhema.
I told the security guard the name of my college friend, and surprisingly, I remembered his address because we used to work paint jobs in Tulsa over the holidays. I made some good money working for
him with all the new construction; we painted brand-new houses. I told the guard my friend’s address, and he said, “I can take you there. I’m off work at five.” He got off a little early and drove me up there.
Without even calling to tell them I was coming, I knocked on the door. My friend answered and said, “Where have you been? You should have been here like a month ago. My wife and I have been waiting for you. The Lord told us that you’re supposed to stay with us.”
My friend asked if I had a job, and I said no. He told me, “Well, guess what? One of my employees just quit yesterday. Can you start at five?” Then he asked if I had a car, and I told him I did not. He said, “We’ve got an extra one.” I went from standing at the prayer tower shortly after four o’clock to sitting at my desk at a new job a little after five o’clock on the same day.
I stayed at my friend’s house and woke up hearing the house creak the next morning. The Lord audibly said, “Kevin, while you’re in this city of Tulsa, nothing shall be impossible for you.” I had not even been accepted at Rhema. They turned away as many people as they accepted. That year, they turned down 2,200 and accepted 2,200, but I was accepted within a week. I did not have to hide Brother Hagin’s books under my carpet anymore. This is what humility does.
Are We on the Right Path?
This is a critical hour for the Church! The clock is ticking toward the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, and it's time we take a hard look at our beliefs and actions. Are we building on the right foundation? Do we need a course correction? Are we even on the right path?
Dr. Kevin L. Zadai pulls back the veil on our modern Christian practices and sheds light on what needs to change so we can pursue the way of true holiness and relationship found on the ancient paths that God carved out for us long ago.
In Returning to the Ancient Paths, Dr. Zadai powerfully shares how God will empower you and every other believer to walk in His divine purpose. Through this book, you will:
Learn there’s great power in consecrating your life.
How to walk in the anointing that already abides within you.
Expect miracles, signs, and wonders to be a regular part of your life.
Overcome obstacles by tapping into God’s unlimited supply.
Experience the convergence of the Word and Spirit.
Dr. Zadai invites you to journey back to the life Jesus modeled―a life full of the Holy
Spirit’s power and direction. As you read page after page, you will find yourself being restored to ancient paths and living the life you were meant to live.