Christian Witchcraft is Infiltrating the Church!

We are created in the image of God and we have an eternal spirit within us.

Often, ministries are not offering people the very supernatural life they were created for.

At 17 years old, I was hungover, and sitting on the beige cushioned pew of the Presbyterian church my parents attended. My eyes glazed over as I rested my head on my dad’s shoulder. I listened to the sermon, which was a deep theological study of some book in the Bible I had never heard of. As we stood up and half-heartedly sang, “Ancient of Days,” I counted down the minutes we could leave and head to the Golden Dolphin for the incredible Sunday lunch special and corn bread basket.

Unfortunately, this is a similar church experience for many Christians in America. They leave church and watch videos online of wrinkle-free, lip-filled, Louis Vuitton toting women sharing with great passion and excitement how they “manifested” their dream date with their dream guy. The gregarious content creator shares her “secrets” to the good life, the supernatural life, and all the young onlooker has to do is “think positively”! The bait seems pure and innocent enough. I mean, wouldn’t God want me to be a more positive person? There can’t be anything wrong with wanting to have vision, goals, and “decreeing” that I will be blessed, this will be the year I get my dream car, my dream spouse, my dream kitchen, my dream vacation, my dream…life.

I was 21 years old when I read the book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. The title peeked my interest, and anyone who knows anything about psychology understands that we all want to know secrets. As I read each chapter rather quickly, it all made perfect sense to me. I was somewhat shocked that the BIG “secret” was basically gratitude and positive thinking.

These “clues to manifesting your dream life” seemed simple enough. But alas, here I was, praying to the universe to manifest a white feather on a Monday afternoon. Then walking down 21st Street, right there on the pavement, there it was. A perfectly white feather. My faith in manifesting was building, and being the evangelist (by God-given nature) that I am, I began to buy the book for everyone I knew.

After some time, I began to positively thank in advance the “universe” for my $1,300 red-bottomed Christian Louboutin heels, my Louis Vuitton luggage, and dream vacations around the world. Distracted by all these glittering things, I had yet to realize that I was increasingly anxious, feeling more depressed, and had lingering thoughts and daydreams about walking into busy New York City traffic streets and ending my life. Totally normal! Deep sarcasm intended, yet this is how much of the next generation is thinking and being discipled through social media.

There is no warning label on New Age books, and the Church has been too silent on the issue. After attending church for nearly twenty-one faithful years, how had I never heard that there was indeed a very real and tangible spiritual realm surrounding us. That God has miracle-working power, that demons are real, and that the best life is not the one the world is promoting. I didn’t realize that the spiritual principles and laws that were created by God, were being demonically used against me to make myself a small god.

Witchcraft With a Jesus Sticker

Ok, I’ll repeat that for my charismatic friends, because there is a temptation that can also arise in churches to dabble in a little bit of witchcraft with a Jesus sticker on the package. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, don’t click out of this article! Don’t get mad, please!

Yet, we need to go there. The idols are coming down.

Read this carefully: We were not created to be gods, and the moment we begin decreeing, declaring, and using our faith to make our will be done, and not God’s will, we are opening ourselves up to the demonic.

I hate to write this so plainly, but it is that simple. It is so important to pray the Word of God and decree His promises. However, if we are not careful, this can easily get twisted into something very different. I particularly appreciate how Dr. David Yonggi Cho teaches on this topic in his book Fourth Dimension. We need to pray and ask God for His vision. We need a rhema word, we need faith for what God is doing. Then, that is when we pray, decree, believe, and have faith in God doing that very thing. It must be God’s plan first, not a carnal Christian version of our own plans.

I have recently been studying Romans 8 in-depth. It really hit me in verse 28 that says, “God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Sometimes you hear a verse so often that it kind of loses its “weight,” and you can read it passively without paying attention. Well as I read this verse, it hit me—all things work together for good when its according to His purposes, not our own. For years, I wrestled with why it felt like God was working things out for good in everyone’s life but mine. Here is a secret revealed, the golden ticket—we need to lay down our purposes for His, that’s when it all works together for good.

Discernment Filter

I never expected it to be this way, but the overturning of Roe v. Wade was another discernment filter for the days ahead. Years ago, I would play the “politically correct church game” in an effort to not be contrary or offensive. However, there is too much at stake, and too much murky water to be messing around with what sounds nice, but is destroying people’s lives.

On my social media account, I made a bold statement:

“Thank You, Jesus, for opening our eyes. Thank You for helping us see. If your pastor did not speak up about Roe v. Wade being overturned, you now have permission to leave that church.”

The reality is, there are too many people who are staying in dry places and wondering why they are constantly struggling. They are living in places to prioritize their comfort and routine over moving and finding others to burn with. The days are short, it is much better to find your people, to get equipped and be spiritually set on fire while you may need to live in a smaller home and sell your possessions. Do whatever it takes.

Obviously not everyone is called to relocate, leave their church, or change their jobs or ministries. Don’t hear what I am not saying. However, it is definitely the season to pray, fast, and get into the secret place with everything laid out before the Lord and say, “Here, God, I give You my heart, my possessions, my will, my future. What are You doing? How do I partner with You?” Then I encourage you to step out in faith and say, “Yes!” to God!

Jessi Green

Jessi Green is a revivalist, preacher, wife, mom, visionary, and creative. In 2009, she was radically saved in her apartment after a traumatic break-up and drug-filled lifestyle working as a doorman in New York City nightclubs. After encountering the love and power of God, she sold her belongings and traveled to 15 countries over 11 months, working with orphanages, preaching the Gospel, and learning to live a supernatural lifestyle. Jessi is the director of Saturate which is a global revival movement that is uniting the church in reaching those that don’t know Jesus, baptizing them, and making disciples. She resides in Southern California with her husband Parker and their three children and lead Salt Churches together.


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