Queen of Sheba Prophecy: An Unexpected Move of God
Several months ago, I had a prophetic dream in which I spent most of the night entering into many different gatherings.
I walked into one meeting and noticed that everyone in attendance was white. Another meeting I entered was full of all African American people. Then I would go into meetings where I knew that everyone there was Democrat. I would go into other meetings where I knew everyone was Republican. Then I walked into a meeting where I knew everyone was from the Presbyterian denomination. I would go into another meeting where I knew everyone was from the Assemblies of God denomination or the Church of God denomination. I would go into other meetings where I knew that everyone was in favor of the apostolic. I then attended another meeting where I knew everyone was a fan of the pastoral. At another meeting they were discussing why the prophetic is better than the other four ministries.
I finally began to recognize in this dream that I had attended ethnic, religious, and political gatherings where the one common denominator in them all was that everyone looked like, acted like, and thought like one another. There was no variety or diversity of appearance, values, or opinions. As I was pondering the meetings I had attended, suddenly, a curtain was pulled back right in front of my face in the dream. What appeared to me in large, bright letters was the phrase, “The disease of spiritual nepotism.” Now at the time, I really didn’t know what the term nepotism meant, but now I do.
Nepotism refers to the favoring and giving of influence to friends and family.
I immediately knew that God was going to expose the disease of spiritual nepotism in the new era. Every single gathering that I had attended earlier was simply an echo chamber. The meetings were full of people who voted the same way, believed the same doctrine, and were of the same race, and God was pointing His finger toward this practice and disease of spiritual nepotism. Favoring friends and family and gathering together because we all look alike, act alike, and talk the same, greatly displeases the heart of God.
The Queen of Sheba
The next scene in the dream brought a woman walking in whom I did not recognize but knew she was from a different time period. She was wearing beautiful clothes that looked like they were from the Middle East. In her hands, she was carrying a large vase that had many oils and spices in it. Suddenly and by way of revelation, I knew she was the Queen of Sheba! The Holy Spirit reminded me of when she came before King Solomon in 1 Kings 10:6-10 (NIV). It says:
She said to the king, “The report I heard in my own country about your achievements and your wisdom is true. But I did not believe these things until I came and saw with my own eyes. Indeed, not even half was told me; in wisdom and wealth you have far exceeded the report I heard. How happy your people must be! How happy your officials, who continually stand before you and hear your wisdom! Praise be to the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the Lord’s eternal love for Israel, he has made you king to maintain justice and righteousness.” And she gave the king 120 talents of gold, large quantities of spices, and precious stones. Never again were so many spices brought in as those the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.
As I woke up from this dream, the spirit of prophecy was heavily upon me. I began to say out loud, “The spices are coming! The spices are coming!” I truly believe God is saying to the global Church that we are entering a new era when He is confronting the gatherings of believers that only include Christians who are of a certain race, denomination, or political affiliation. He is sending men and women like the Queen of Sheba who are going to bring needed spices, flavors, revelation, wisdom, and spiritual insight that many gatherings do not even realize they do not have. We need Christian gatherings that are multi-ethnic, multi-denominational, and welcome those who share a different perspective of the kingdom of God than we do.
I see gatherings full of apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists from every tongue, tribe, and nation. The old wineskins of jealousy, rivalry, pride, and insecurity among God’s people are passing away.
A new era is upon us in the global Church that will involve team leadership, houses of prayer for the nations, dining room tables, and living rooms where everyone is welcome to share their perspective on the kingdom of God. We must recognize that we will never have the full council of God in our midst unless every tongue, tribe, and nation has a place at our table. As the New Jesus People Movement explodes across the earth, may our hearts explode with joy concerning things that our ears have not heard and our eyes have not seen yet. When apostles and prophets begin to work together with pastors, teachers, and evangelists, we will finally begin to see the fullness of Jesus Christ revealed, demonstrated, and manifested in the earth. Fivefold ministers who are accessible, carry the heart of God, and walk in humility will heal the wounds of a generation that has been hurt by the Church so badly. The saints finally being equipped for the work of ministry in their own sphere of influence rather than being treated like fish in a small bowl, will lead to the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever known.
In the new era, we must be diligent to keep the unity of the Spirit and the bonds of peace. We need to always keep in mind that no matter what our differences are, there is one body, one Spirit, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father who is over all and through all and in all (see Ephesians 4:3-6). To the global body of Christ, I remind us that our greatest days are in front of us, not behind us. We are destined with the help of the Holy Spirit to give Jesus Christ His full inheritance in the earth. What an honor, what a joy, what a privilege to pioneer and work together in this new era. The best is yet to come!