Operate in Angelic Realms of Healing & Miracles

God created us, body, spirit, and soul.

We develop ourselves in all these areas and take care of all three in balance. Now I don’t say “balance” meaning we should tone down our spiritual pursuit, I mean that we should also take care of our bodies and souls. As we develop our spiritual senses, we do so knowing that our mission is on earth, with our feet on the physical ground. When you develop your relationship with the Holy Spirit, He will help you see and sense things in the spiritual world, including angels. All five of your senses will connect more with the spiritual realm. As your spiritual awareness grows, you will discover that the spiritual world is as real as the natural world.

This is something I have experienced and shared with other healing ministers. As we open our spirit to the spiritual world, we need to be sure that everything we experience is in agreement with the Word of God. Do not deviate from the Bible. In the Bible, there are hundreds of accounts of angels helping people: bringing food, coming with a message, delivering people, or stirring the pool of Bethesda so the people who entered received a healing, to give a few examples. One of the realities is that when we are in a meeting, for example, a class of twenty-five students, there are also twenty-five spirits and at least twenty-five angels, that means there are at least fifty spirits in the room. There are many more angels than demons. The Bible says the angels come to help us. They are directly connected with the Great Commission, and are assigned to help us fulfill our mission.

For many years, as I’ve opened myself to the spiritual world, I have experienced and interacted with angels, especially those who release the healing presence and power and bring gifts of healing. These angels help me massively in my healing ministry. I know that I always have three angels around me because God told me. Everyone has one angel guarding them. In Acts 12:15, when Peter escapes from prison, everyone thinks it is his angel.

Sometimes I have more angels, but always at least three. One of my angels is bigger than the others and ministers with me when I have strong healing services. It seems that he is sent by God to go to Heaven and gets a bag of gifts like Santa Claus. (Of course, I don’t believe in Santa Claus, I believe in God who is the real Good Father.) The angel brings the bag of gifts from the Kingdom of Heaven and stands by my left side. He hands me gifts one by one, and the gifts are healings for the people. I take the gifts and give them to the people from God, or if it is online, I give them to the people over the airwaves. It is a combination of words of knowledge, angels, and other means. Whatever method God uses to heal, we look to Jesus, and follow the Holy Spirit. We don’t make a doctrine or theology out of one way to heal. Jesus is the center of it all. Whatever spiritual experiences we have, Jesus and the Word of God are our foundation and plumb line.

I share my spiritual experiences so that you can develop your own spiritual experiences with the help of the Holy Spirit in agreement with the Word of God. This is not a doctrine; it is my personal experience. Each of us needs to be part of a local church and be accountable to a friend or mentor. This is a protection so we will not fall into heresy, witchcraft, or a spirit of deception.

God is the Healer. Jesus paid the price for healing. The angels are sent to help us. When the anointing is strong and I am worshipping the Lord, I can see angels in the hall or stadium. Sometimes they are in the back of the room, other times they are hovering above the people. One of the angels is like a light, and he goes into the audience. It is like the pillar of fire that the Israelites followed in the desert. The light is about 50-100 centimeters high. I see the light stopping over a section, highlighting that there is angelic presence in that area and God wants to do something specific regarding healing. The light helps me see and sense the spiritual realm with more clarity. I see what God wants to do and what conditions He wants to heal. I get very specific words of knowledge when this angel is there as the light helping me see better with the Holy Spirit.

Another angel brings body parts. I saw that in different places. The angel comes and gives me a part of the body. Sometimes I see the angel holding the body part, other times I just see the body part floating in the air. That happened recently in our home church in Oron-la-Ville. I was closing the healing service, and suddenly, I saw a brand-new heart floating in the air in the balcony section. I pointed to the person where I saw the light hovering over one man near where I saw the heart. I said, “The Lord is bringing you a new heart.” When I declared that, my words brought the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. This heart was a gift from God from the Kingdom, and it was probably brought by an angel for the man who needed it. The man had serious heart problems and really did need a miracle new heart. But when I said God wanted to give him a new heart, he thought it was a spiritual heart. He thanked God and prayed committing his whole life to Jesus again. He left the meeting believing God had given him a new spiritual heart.

A few weeks later, he went to the University Hospital of Geneva where they did some tests and research. They saw he was doing better, and when they did the MRI, they saw he had received a brand-new heart physically. He was healed! Then he went to a cardiologist who put some electricity on his arteries and brought the final healing. Now he is in perfect health. It is beautiful how God heals using the natural and the supernatural. Healing through medicine is not a second-class healing. God uses everything.

Angels in the Wind

Sometimes before the meeting I have an angelic manifestation. When they move their wings, a wind comes, which I feel physically. Other times, I look outside my window and see the trees moving and I know it is not a natural wind, but the angelic wind. When this wind comes, I feel a strong healing anointing, and I know in the upcoming meeting there will be a wind of the Holy Spirit that will come strongly and heal people. I am grateful for the angels. They are not here for crazy, charismatic, exotic experiences. They are here to help us fulfill our mission. The more we get involved in the harvest field, the more they will help us, because it is their assignment to support and help us bring in the harvest. In Acts 8:26 and Acts 10:3, angels assist in someone coming to Christ.

I welcome the angels to help me. I will never forget one healing service in Brussels, the capital city of Belgium. After having healing services all weekend, the final meeting was on a Sunday afternoon. The ushers came and told me I had to leave in order to make my flight. I was so moved with compassion and wanted to pray for everyone in the big crowd. There were many healings. The ushers kept pulling me toward the exit. Finally we left, but I was very late to the airport. When I got to the check-in desk, there was only one attendant at the counter. I asked her if I was too late or if I missed the flight. She smiled at me and acknowledged that, yes, I was much too late, and they were about to close the gate. My hosts had dropped me off, so I was alone at the airport, tired, and ready to get home to my family. I started to get depressed at the thought of rebooking my flight and getting a hotel for the night.

Then the lady at the counter made a phone call and a man arrived. He asked if I was Mr. Trachsel and asked me to follow him if I wanted to get on the flight. I had my large suitcase to check-in and my carry-on, but without thinking I just followed him. When we got to the security check point, the man lifted his hand, and they opened the doors to let me through without scanning my bags or anything. We started running toward the gate. At passport control, again he lifted his hand, and they let us pass through a side door. I continued running with my big suitcases, and people were staring at me wondering what I was doing. Of course, you normally can’t bring large suitcases through security.

We finally made it to the gate, and the doors to the plane hadn’t closed yet, so I ran onto the plane. The stewardess asked me what I was doing there with big suitcases. I told her that I was just following the man, but when I turned to point, the man I had been following was nowhere to be found. Since the flight was already late, she closed the plane doors and put my suitcase on the floor in the front since it wouldn’t fit in the overhead bins. I went to my seat, knowing it was angels who came to help me get on the flight. Angels are real!

I still have a lot of questions about the supernatural. I am on a journey as we all are. When it comes to miracles, I want to be God’s student forever, always learning more from the Master. I want to be childlike, not trying to be an expert, but leaning into my Father.

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Jean-Luc Trachsel

Jean-Luc Trachsel is the President of the International Association of Healing Ministries (IAHM), the Co-Chairman of the Global Evangelist Alliance (GEA), part of Empowered 21, and the primary vision carrier of Europe Shall Be Saved Movement. From an early age, God called him to bring His Word with a demonstration of power. Jean-Luc has traveled over the five continents, visited more than 90 nations, and shared the Gospel in countless circumstances and situations. Visionary and entrepreneur, he believes that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. He actively works to bring unity among Christians and to proclaim the Gospel to this generation with mercy and compassion. His sensitivity to the Spirit allows the manifestation of the supernatural with signs, miracles, healings, and salvation.


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