Childbirth in the Glory: Reverse the Curse of Pain in Childbirth

I truly believe that God wants to place His glory on every woman who conceives, from the moment of that conception, through pregnancy to birthing, and even in the early development of her child.

But this wasn’t always the way I viewed pregnancy. When I first got pregnant, I was very frightened. As I was growing up, I had heard too many horror stories about pregnancy—everything from experiencing morning sickness, swollen ankles, and general fatigue to just being completely uncomfortable and restless and so much more. Thankfully, God sent a friend into my life, and that friend shared with me the truth about having children the biblical way. To me, this was a totally new approach, but because it was based on a scriptural revelation, I listened with interest.

A New Approach

The biblical basis for the revelation I received that day from my friend was something I already believed, and yet I had never quite seen childbirth in this light. My friend took me to the scriptures and reminded me that when Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross of Calvary, He did it to destroy every single curse that had been placed upon humanity because of sin. Jesus overcame sin so that we could receive His free gift of salvation. He destroyed sickness and pain so that we could be healed and made whole in our spirit, our soul, and our physical body. The Bible says:

But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree” (Galatians 3:13, NLT).

This means that every curse was broken through Jesus’ sacrifice, and that even includes the curse over childbearing. What was that curse? In the garden of Eden, when man fell into the original sin, God spoke directly to Eve and said:

I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth… (Genesis 3:16, NLT).

This, then, was a curse upon women for all time. But, as my friend pointed out, Jesus came to destroy that curse along with every other curse. The curse of pain and suffering during childbirth was broken at the cross of Calvary, and this is indeed Good News, is it not?

Once I captured this revelation about the curse being broken, my spirit leaped inside of me. I just knew this was the truth. It was, after all, the Word of God. From that moment on (I was now five months into my pregnancy), I began declaring God’s Word over my body. I declared His Word over each of my body parts and over the child that was growing in my womb. The result was that pregnancy now became a very glorious experience for me, and I knew that I could also experience Childbirth in the Glory. Eight centuries before Christ was born, the prophet Isaiah declared:

Who has heard of such a thing? Who has seen such things? …For as soon as Zion was in labor, she brought forth her children (Isaiah 66:8, AMPC).

Who has heard of such a thing? Who has seen such things? Well, it turns out that many believers around the world can testify of these things happening to them. I now joined that group. After receiving this divine revelation and walking in the manifestation of it in my own life, I knew that I needed to share the things I had learned. This was just too good to keep to myself! By faith, I recorded a prayer album and wrote a simple little book entitled Childbirth in the Glory. It was a humble project, but it was my way of spreading the message that I had so wonderfully received for my own pregnancy and delivery.

I soon discovered that the more I spoke about these things, the more other women and their families received them by faith. As a result, I have received hundreds of testimonies confirming the supernatural truth and practicality of these teachings.

Janet Lin from Auckland, New Zealand, wrote: “I’ve wanted to say a big thank you to you for the Childbirth in the Glory CD. I’ve experienced it myself—my firstborn came out in thirty minutes and without any painkiller, all natural, praise the Lord! We believe in the miracles of God!”

Jane Neike, also from New Zealand, shared: “I gave one of your Childbirth in the Glory books and the CD to a friend who has just become pregnant. She is twelve weeks now, and she has been praying the scriptures into the new life in her womb. She has never been to a glory meeting, only heard about them. She rang me up last week and told me she suddenly felt oil all around her tummy. It was very strange, and she didn’t know what it was. I told her I wouldn’t be surprised if, because of all the scriptures she was imparting, it was holy oil she was feeling.” This testimony excited me, because there is certainly an anointed impartation that will flow into your life as you receive this revelation and connect with it fully.

The First Childbirth in the Glory

One of the most well-known pregnancies and deliveries of all time is the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus. She supernaturally conceived the Christ Child, and we celebrate His birth each Christmas. It is important to note that no other woman’s pregnancy could ever be compared with the immaculate conception of the virgin Mary and the coming of Jesus into the world through her, for Jesus was not a normal child. He was and is the one and only Savior of all mankind. But I think we can learn a lot from Mary’s experience when we consider some factors surrounding the Bethlehem manger story.

Throughout history, many theologians have taught that when Mary gave birth to Jesus, she experienced a pain-free delivery. Some of the early church fathers wrote, “Just as the rays of the sun penetrate without breaking or injuring in the least the solid substance of glass, so after a like but more exalted manner did Jesus Christ come forth from His mother’s womb.”

And she gave birth to her Son, her Firstborn; and she wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger (Luke 2:7, AMPC).

In this scripture verse, Mary is pictured as wrapping and then laying Jesus in a manger, which is a clear indication that she hadn’t endured the usual pains of intense labor. It is common today for nurses to take care of the baby after delivery. In the first century this would have been the work of a midwife. It is obvious that something very supernatural happened for Mary for her to immediately care for her own baby in this way. This makes sense because Mary was ultimately experiencing the very first Childbirth in the Glory as an example of what Christ would do for you and me. Her connection and favor with God enabled this grace to flow. Your connection and willingness to receive God’s favor for your pregnancy will give you the opportunity to also experience a Childbirth in the Glory.

Something else we know for sure is that angels were very much involved in the process of Jesus’ birth. From the initial birth announcement, to Joseph receiving dreams about it, to the spectacular baby shower invitation given to the shepherds in the nearby fields, there were countless angels, along with the archangel Gabriel, involved in this birthing story. You should invite God’s angels into your situation and give them permission to surround your life as you prepare for your own Childbirth in the Glory.

Revelation Is Progressive

In this enlarged and updated edition of Childbirth in the Glory, I have provided much more information and additional understanding along with glory scriptures, glory prayers, and glory decrees that you can use for yourself or others. You were created for this, and I am happy to announce that all over the world today children are being born in the glory. Ria Van Zanten from LeDuc, Alberta, Canada, wrote to me and shared: “My daughter had two pain-free deliveries after reading your book.” You can see how this fresh insight on childbirth can change everything!

Revelation is always progressive. When God reveals something new to us, He builds upon the foundation of faith that is already established in our lives through the reading of His Word and our time communicating with Him in prayer and basking in His presence. I believe that God has brought you to this revelation about Childbirth in the Glory because you’re now ready to receive it. This is a supernatural revelation that’s spreading across the globe, and it is my prayer that you will not only capture it in your spirit but also allow the Spirit of God to work these things in and through you. As you do, you will experience Childbirth in the Glory and be able to testify of these things as well.

I have expanded this book from its original 46-page version because I wanted to provide you with a revelation that can revolutionize the way you are bringing your children into the world. The Spirit has given us a better way. We can bring our children forth in a heavenly way, bringing them forth in the glory. It is time to raise the standard. Let us no longer be controlled by past negative outcomes or the traumatic experiences of other women when God has something much better for us.

God definitely has something better for you. Jesus has come to give you an abundant life in the glory, a life that is overflowing with supernatural blessings in every way, and that includes the realm of childbirth.

A Revelation of God’s Glory

I want to further explain this new approach to childbirth. Obviously you understand what childbirth is. That’s a no-brainer. But if you want to fully understand the idea of Childbirth in the Glory, you must first recognize what I mean when I use the word “glory.” In many ways, the term glory is used figuratively to describe God and the atmosphere (or heavenly realm) in which He abides. God is love, He is healing, He is grace and mercy, He is life, He is unity, He is blessing, He is provision, He is savation, and the list could go on and on. In my husband Joshua’s bestselling book Moving in Glory Realms, he describes the glory of God in the following way:

God is the glory, and the glory is God. The glory is God’s fullness. It’s His manifest presence, His character, His nature, His ability, His provision, and the weight and splendor of His majesty. It is the essence of His beauty. The glory is all that He is and all that He has. Everything about God is glorious, and He wants us to know Him in the fullness of His glory because He is the God of Glory. (See Psalm 138:5; Acts 7:2.)

Joshua goes on to explain, “Where there is glory, there are angels, and where there are angels, there is glory. You can’t separate them. These realms are intertwined with each other.”

In speaking of the glory, we must also remember Jesus’ vital words to us when He taught us how to pray, He said to use these words:

Pray, then, in this way:

“Our Father, who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name.

“Your kingdom come, Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.

“Give us this day our daily bread.

“And forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors [letting go of both the wrong and the resentment].

“And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. [For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen]” (Matthew 6:9-13, AMP).

Through this prayer, we receive divine insight into the intentions of God toward His people on earth. It is clear that He desires for us to experience His glory right here and right now. We are also warned not to yield to the temptations of the enemy. For many believers, their temptations are not necessarily outright evil, lustful desires, but rather the unwillingness to resist the enemy assignments of doubt, fear, and feelings of insignificance that have been set against them. It is so important that we learn how to resist the devil, and when we do we will see him flee. (See James 4:7.) This includes his meddling in the area of childbirth.

An Open-Heaven Experience

Jesus said, “on earth as it is in heaven.” In other words, when I write about Childbirth in the Glory, I am speaking about birthing and growing your family in a glorious way that benefits mother, father, and child, with Heaven’s realities manifested in the earthly realm. For example:

  • In the glory, there is no pain. (See Revelation 21:4.)

  • In the glory, you are given Christ’s power and authority. (See Luke 10:19.)

  • In the glory, things happen quickly, with divine acceleration. (See Revelation 10:6.)

  • In the glory, miraculous demonstrations take place. (See John 2:11.)

  • In the glory, angels are present and ready to help. (See Hebrews 1:14.)

  • In the glory, supernatural fruitfulness abounds. (See Psalm 1:3.)

  • In the glory, the manifest presence of God and His purposes are made known to us. (See John 17:24.)

  • In the glory, we are filled with delightful joy. (See Psalm 16:11.)

The reason I have entitled this book and the revelatory concept behind it Childbirth in the Glory is because it’s all about conceiving, carrying, and delivering your child or children in a glorious way. There is an earthly way to bring forth a child into this world, and there is a heavenly way. The earthly way to deliver a child is what most people are familiar with. Unfortunately, this earthly way is often filled with pain, despair, suffering, and other terrible difficulties. However, as believers in Jesus, we have been given a better way. We have been provided with a heavenly way to childbirth, and I detail this in detail in my book.

The sad truth is that many wonderful believers are succumbing to a lower standard when it comes to pregnancy and delivery. Why? Perhaps because they’ve never received knowledge or spiritual insight into the better way. The scriptures say it this way: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6, NKJV). Now that you’re receiving divine insight and God is shining His light of understanding upon your heart, instead of being destroyed you can begin flourishing in the things of God! His Word declares:

But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong (Psalm 92:12, NLT).

The godly will flourish! Who are the godly? They are the righteous. Does that include you? Yes, you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. (See Romans 3:22.) You were created to flourish, and this happens as you position your life to live in the glory realm.

One of the greatest ways the glory can impact your pregnancy is when you receive the knowledge that there is no lack in the glory. Whether it be spiritual, physical, or emotional needs, they can all be met and provided for from the fullness of who God is. In the Spirit realm, He has already provided everything you will ever need, and that includes needs for both your natural life and your spiritual life. (See 2 Peter 1:3.) Therefore, it’s just a matter of you receiving that revelation from God and being willing to accept its truth at face value until it becomes a manifestation in your life. I know that this may initially seem like a huge task, but it really isn’t. There’s an ease in the glory, and through the pages of this book I want to invite you into that ease. In the glory, these things are not hard.

Hello, World!

Janet Mills

Janet Mills is a lover of Jesus, a dedicated minister, and an author. She and her husband, Joshua Mills, lead International Glory Ministries, a worldwide outreach. Janet is well-known for her grace and compassion that overflows with the manifestation of God’s love. Her passion is to see God’s glory transforming families around the world. Along with her ministerial responsibilities, she considers her first ministry to be her family. That includes her children, Lincoln, Liberty, and Legacy.


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