Decrees that Shift Nations: Bind Deceivers & Release Godly Leaders

Liars and Deceivers Exposed!


We decree that the liars who deceive and mislead the people of this nation shall be exposed for their crooked ways. We prophesy that they shall repent of their deeds that have been crafted in covert darkness to commit harm. We say that which has been done wickedly in secret shall be shouted upon the housetops. That which has been hidden shall be brought to light. Those who cause the innocent to stumble and fall shall be brought to justice and no longer be able to further their treacherous lies. We bind the demons of lying, deceit, fraud, trickery, and hypocrisy in Jesus’ Name! We command truth to prevail upon our land. We speak that lies perpetrated on the airways shall be exposed, and we loose the spirit of truth. We prophesy that media outlets that are committed to truth shall arise and defy the false. May the people of this nation see through every lying spirit and embrace truthful facts. We say that liars and deceivers shall be exposed, in Jesus’ Name!


People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will be exposed (Proverbs 10:9 NLT).

Word of Encouragement

A lying spirit that is determined to deceive and mislead is obviously a large contributor to what causes nations to crumble and fall. There is reason the term propaganda gets used so often. It’s because people recognize that there are those who control communications for manipulative reasons. They want to further false narratives on a mass scale. Our job as believers in prayer is to loose the spirit of truth and command the demonic activity that furthers lies and deception to be bound in the Name of Jesus. We can also pray that liars and their lies will be exposed for what they truly are. We can pray they will be not only be exposed but unable to cause further harm upon innocent lives.

One thing we can rest assured about is that God will always have truth bearers in every season and generation. What we must do is determine to become one of those who bear and promote the truth, not only regarding the Gospel itself but regarding issues in society and culture. We must speak truth regarding biblical values and moral issues. We also can’t shy away from speaking truth because of intimidation and fear. If we will not stand up and speak truth in what seems a sea of lies, then the lies can continue unhindered. Sure, standing up for what is right isn’t always an easy task, and that is why prayer along these lines is so important. We can pray for God to help us, defend us, and expose those who spread lies. We can ask the Holy Spirit of Truth to guide and lead our hearts and the hearts of others toward truth and honesty. Our nation desperately needs us to pray and decree that the liars who aim to bring harm will lose their power, and truth will prevail and reign supreme!

Godly Leaders and Influencers Exalted


We decree that godly leaders shall arise in the United States of America. We prophesy that those in high offices of government and places of influence shall carry a righteous standard. We declare that Christ-like believers shall be positioned, established, and voted into government. We speak that they shall be well received, respect- ed, and their offices honored by society and the culture. We declare that notable influencers in society shall carry a moral and biblical standard. We say the leaders and councilmembers in our cities, schools, and universities shall stand for that which is right and reject every antichrist agenda. We say that godly leaders, government officials, and influencers shall carry a righteous discernment and surround themselves with wise and moral counsel. In Jesus’ Name, we break the power and influence of the godless and wicked rulers, activists, judges, journalists, professors, teachers, and businesses that seek to turn the minds of the culture toward evil. We say that the positional authority and thrones of the wicked shall crumble and fall. May they be removed from their places of influence and lose their ability to beguile, abuse, and mislead the citizens of this nation. We prophesy that across this land, in all sectors of society, godly leaders and people of influence shall arise and be exalted and our nation shall rejoice!


A just king gives stability to his nation, but one who demands bribes destroys it (Proverbs 29:4 NLT).

It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness (Proverb 16:12 KJV).

Word of Encouragement

Power in the wrong hands is destructive, tearing apart all soundness of life. Consider the effect that the lies and abuses of wicked governments and leaders have had on society over the years. It has inflicted a devastating moral decay in our educational systems, upon healthcare, business, entertainment, and upon nearly every other sec- tor. It’s also rendered a dismantling of the family structure. But consider when godly and morally upright governors and leaders are in power. We typically see health return to the economy, stability in our national security, and our constitutional rights protected. We see the people achieve prosperity and receive fair and just benefits. We also see liberty for the Church to advance the Gospel and moral values, unrestricted and uncensored!

However, some believers are afraid to pray that godless authorities will lose their power. They often quote Romans 13:1, which states that we are to be subject to governmental authority and that it’s God who raises up such powers. However, we must examine the full context of this chapter, which speaks of the type of leader who is a “minister for good” and whose intent is to create reasonable social order for citizens to follow. The context is not speaking of unequivocally honoring leaders who impose an immoral, tyrannical agenda; otherwise, the early apostles who defied such governors and magistrates throughout the Book of Acts were in error. The truth that believers must obey civil law does not insinuate blind obedience to laws or mandates devised by evil, nor does it suggest that wicked, dishonest leaders should receive our undivided support. Such thinking insinuates that it’s God who installs the most vicious dictators and expects His people to honor them. This simply isn’t true. Remember, it’s typically people who make way for wicked rulers, which God may at times allow, and Scripture reveals such. But Scripture also reveals the benefit and blessing when good leaders are positioned. Therefore, it’s our calling to pray that wicked leaders won’t be elected and shall be removed from office while the godly are exalted!

Brenda Kunneman

Brenda Kunneman pastors Lord of Hosts Church, in Omaha, Nebraska, with her husband, Hank. She is a writer and teacher, who ministers nationally and internationally, seeing lives change through the prophetic word and ministry in the Holy Spirit, coupled with a balanced, relevant message. Together, she and her husband also host a weekly TV program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, on Daystar Television Network.


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