Activate Your Authority to Destroy the Devil’s Works

It is crucial that we move beyond defending to possessing!

I believe this will be the shift that the church will move into in this new era. We must realize that the ultimate reason for our authority is to take territory and not just defend territory! Jesus used His authority to take, more than He used it to defend. He would go into a city or town and drive the enemy out. Acts 10:38 says, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.”

We have been given authority to destroy the works of the devil, not just to stop the devil from destroying our works. We must make our authority offensive. Our authority is supposed to be weaponized. Matthew 11:12 says, “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” The Kingdom is supposed to be forcefully advancing in the earth despite the enemy’s resistance. As it was in the days of John and Jesus, so it is with us. First John 5:19 reads, “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.” This is why enforcing our authority is so paramount. The whole world is under the influence of the wicked one, and we are pushing and advancing against the sway. But there is so much authority in God that no matter what strongholds the enemy has, we can destroy them.

There are two scriptures that I would like to dive into, which really demonstrate just how amazing the authority of God is in the earth. In Hebrews 11, there is a scripture that is absolutely mind boggling. Hebrews 11:3 says, “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” The word worlds is the Greek word aion, and it means “ages” instead of physical worlds or planet. This scripture reveals that when we look throughout the ages of time and see the things that happened in those ages, there is nothing in the natural that can take credit for those things happening. The word of God caused it all! Wow! When God speaks a word, He has so much authority that everything on earth must arrange itself to accommodate what God said. His word frames it!

The Bible says He does this so the things that are seen are not made of things that are visible. When you look around in the visible realm, you can see no reason for what happened to happen. God’s word made it happen. This is the authority that God gave to Christ. Then Christ turned around and gave it to the church—the very authority to frame the ages! When you understand this, you understand the power of prophecy. Amos 3:7 says, “Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals his secret to His servants the prophets.” Now you get the full revelation. God reveals to the prophets what He wants to do so that they can declare the word of the Lord in the earth, releasing the authority to cause that word to come to pass. The moment you speak the word of the Lord, things start happening in another realm to bring it to pass.

Sometimes the Lord speaks for the moment, and sometimes He speaks for a millennium. But whatever He says, if it takes minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or even years, it is going to come into manifestation in the earth realm. This is so powerful. When a word is released, there is nothing in the visible world that can stop it, because nothing in the visible world caused it. Therefore, God can prophesy things thousands of years in advance, and yet they happen right on time. It is because of the authority of His words. The earth realm must submit!

It’s so important that you speak the things that God has put in your heart. The moment you start proclaiming is the moment He starts framing. This how we are going to revolutionize families, cities, and nations. We have to use our authority to frame things the way God designed them to be. This is how we take by force. It’s a spiritual takeover. We must use the Word like a creative force. That’s what the whole chapter of Hebrews 11 is about. Also, Job 22:28: “You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways.” Once again, this shows us that the moment you speak the Word of God, the power to establish that word is released immediately in another realm to bring it into manifestation in its appointed time. If you speak it, it will be established for you. This is the highest use of our authority—to become co-creators with the Lord. To bring His will into manifestation in the earth.

I want to highlight Hebrews 11:3 as the most important factor in releasing your authority over the enemy and seeing things manifest in your life. That is, you must first get a word from the Lord! You can’t go to war without a word, and you certainly can’t decree what you haven’t heard. But when you get a word from the Lord, you just received your future in waiting, and if you decree it, you will see it.

There is another revelation that I would like to discuss with you concerning the authority to decree and bring things into manifestation. It’s found in James 3:5-6:

Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell.

This scripture highlights just how much authority words have when they are not used properly. A whole forest can be burned down by one little spark of fire. The tongue is so set in our bodies that it defiles the whole body physically and spiritually. Everything enters your body through the mouth. And most things enter your life because of what you speak. It says the tongue sets on fire the course of nature, or existence. This means that words cause things to come into existence. This is crucial to understand. God gave humankind so much authority that the things we say start the manifestation process of things coming into existence. Why is this? Because the spirit realm is literally activated and released by the words of human beings. Demons as well as angels are listening and responding to the words we speak. Therefore, words can release a deluge of demonic or angelic activity when spoken.

But as I stated earlier, the focus of this article is not focused on the enemy and what he’s doing. Rather, the focus is on our authority to activate spiritual activity to bring things into manifestation. With that in mind, think about this. God wants to use your mouth to be the source to bring things into existence. You must realize that the words you speak start the wheels of nature into motion for good or bad. I believe that this is why Jesus said in John 12:49, “For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak.” Jesus said that He was so mindful to only say what the Father commanded Him to say because He understood the authority of His words. He knew that He would set the wheels of manifestation into motion based on what He said.

When the church understands this revelation and accepts this responsibility with the seriousness Jesus did, we will begin to see amazing things manifest in the earth. The fact is, many of us cannot be trusted with great assignments within the Kingdom of God because we are too reckless with our mouths. We release both the blessing and the curse from the same mouth. We activate as many demons as we do angels because of a lack of knowledge about authority. But I believe a there is a generation of believers on planet earth who are ready to function at this highest level of authority. We are finally realizing our Kingdom mandate! When we look at the calamities in the lives of the people around us, God is needing someone to change their existence. Someone who will use their authority to speak into it, starting the chain of events to change it. That’s what intercession is! It means to go between or intervene on behalf of another. You must have the kind of faith to believe that when you open your mouth, the wheels start turning and what you declare is on its way into existence.

When you start to bring this type of revelation to the forefront, inevitably you will have people dispute it and declare you are trying to be God and no human being has the authority to call things into existence by their words. And they are partly correct. No human being has the authority to do it. However, human beings have been given the authority to do it by God. Remember, it’s His authority—not ours. We only possess it by virtue of being in Him, and He delegated His authority to the church, which is His body. This makes perfect sense when you have a revelation of the spirit realm. The Holy Spirit, satan, angels, and demons are the entities that work to influence the hearts, minds, and decisions of humankind. When God gives you a thought, idea, or word, He is giving you His will, and He wants it manifested in the earth. He needs someone to agree with Him in the earth, because He does not override human wills. Therefore, He is always searching for someone in the earth who will speak in agreement with Him.

Isaac Pitre

Isaac Pitre is the president of Isaac Pitre Ministries, Inc., and the leader of II Kings Global Network based in Dallas, Texas. Isaac travels globally ministering in various conferences and Christian Television Networks. Isaac’s greatest passion is to see the Kingdom of God manifest on earth as it is in Heaven, and to see every man and woman live out their God-given identity.


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