Honoring Beni Johnson

Today, we mourn the passing of Beni Johnson.

Beni and her husband, Bill, have served as the pastors of Bethel Church in Redding, California for over 25 years. As an author and teacher, Beni has led the body of Christ in prayer and intercession, healing, and increasing wholeness in the Holy Spirit.

This is a time of grief. Join us in lifting up Bill and the entire Johnson family as they mourn the loss of a spouse, mother, and grandmother. Pray for the Bethel community as they mourn the passing of a leader and friend.

However, this is also a time of rejoicing…

"And when that which is mortal puts on immortality, and what now decays is exchanged for what will never decay, then the Scripture will be fulfilled that says: Death is swallowed up by a triumphant victory!" – 1 Corinthians 15:54 TPT

Beni has been united with Jesus — her Great Lord and Friend! She has achieved her triumphant victory! At last, she is at home in the glorious place that He has prepared especially for her — His good and faithful servant. Join us as we rejoice at Beni's homecoming.

- The Destiny Image Family


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