15 Prophetic Decrees to Dismantle Darkness and Release Miracles in America

We have now entered into the second phase of this seven-year war season.

I believe we need a new anointing to break open God’s full purposes in this time. At each breaking day of a new season, we need to have a renewed commitment to the One who made us and gives us life. Psalm 37:5-6 (Living Bible) says: “Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him to help you do it, and he will. Your innocence will be clear to everyone. He will vindicate you with the blazing light of justice shining down as from the noonday sun.” The word new is defined as “different from one of the same which existed before; or made fresh.” The following are eight new issues to look for in your life at this time:

  1. New relationships. May your relationship with the Lord be new and fresh, and may He supernaturally connect you horizontally with others who will cause you to come into a greater level of success.

  2. New acts. May the Lord divinely intervene in your life with signs, wonders, and miracles.

  3. New identity. May His fullness flow through your personality. May your soul be restored.

  4. New weapons for the war ahead. The trumpet is sounding a new sound. Listen carefully. May you receive everything you need to defeat your enemies.

  5. A new garment of favor to go with your new identity. May you radiate with favor and have entryway into new opportunities.

  6. A new sound. May you hear the sound of victory and shout this sound from the rooftops.

  7. A new anointing. May you be anointed in a way that every yoke is broken.

  8. A new level of authority. May you receive the ability to stand in dominion in the sphere of authority that you have been granted by God.

These are things that we all should be looking for the Lord to reveal to us in a kairos time on earth.

Decreeing, Declaring, and Proclaiming

God has chosen us as the necessary link to bring His will from Heaven to earth. He wants us to commune with Him, listen carefully to His voice, gain prophetic revelation, and decree that revelation into the earth. This will unlock miracles and release His blessings. Once we hear God, we can intercede, but we can also prophesy. Prophesying is declaring His mind and His heart. As we speak, He forms His will on earth. We should always be willing to say, “Yes and amen” to His promises. When we receive prophetic revelation, we need to decree the prophetic revelation. This was the pattern that we operated in, once we gathered together in our meetings from state to state.

I will declare the decree: the Lord has said to Me… (Psalm 2:7 NKJV).

You will make your prayer to Him, and He will hear you, and you will pay your vows. You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light [of God’s favor] shall shine upon your ways. When they make [you] low, you will say, [There is] a lifting up; and the humble person He lifts up and saves. He will even deliver the one [for whom you intercede] who is not innocent; yes, he will be delivered through the cleanness of your hands (Job 22:27-30 AMPC).

Then He saw wisdom and declared it; He prepared it, indeed, He searched it out (Job 28:27 NKJV).

A decree is an official order, edict, or decision. A decree is something that seems to be foreordained. This is what makes decrees prophetic. Decree can also mean to order, decide, or officially appoint a group or person to accomplish something. A decree is linked with setting apart or ordaining something or someone. A declaration is an announcement, a formal statement, or a proclamation. This statement sometimes is what a plaintiff releases in his complaint, which results in a court action. A proclamation actually brings something into a more official realm. A proclamation can ban, outlaw, or restrict. This is linked with the process of binding and loosing.

Once we hear the word of the Lord decreed, declared, or proclaimed, God begins to establish this word in the earth realm. This causes God’s people to press in for a full manifestation of what He is longing to accomplish in our midst. All through the Word of God you find decrees, declarations, and proclamations. Cyrus sent out a decree that caused God’s people to return from captivity and rebuild the city of Jerusalem and the temple of God. Caesar sent out a decree that positioned Mary and Joseph in the place where prophecy could be fulfilled through the birth of Jesus. Elijah declared that the heavens would be shut up. The priests proclaimed what God was ordaining.

As Dutch and I traveled to each state, we knew that this was our mandate. We were assured by the Spirit that God had a unique “word” for each state.

We are in a time of prophetic declaration and apostolic proclamation. God’s people are becoming bold to say what He is saying. This creates an open Heaven and brings Heaven and earth into agreement. I call this an open portal or door in Heaven. In Restoring Your Shield of Faith, Robert Heidler and I write:

Revelation is a book that provides deep insight into the nature and tactics of the enemy. In the book of Revelation the apostle John had a supernatural visitation during an extreme time of persecution. In the midst of this persecution, he began to see that the Lord God omnipotent reigns! He seemed to agree with Paul that those who would follow the Lord in their daily life would enter into and be involved in continuing spiritual conflict. As the Lord visited John, He gave him a message concerning the seven key churches of that region. This message also reveals to us God’s heart concerning the Church today.

We then find John sharing with us in Revelation 4:1 the following: “After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, ‘Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.’” This open heaven causes our faith to soar.

Faith overcomes! The shield of faith is closely related to the concept of a door—the Greek name being thureos, from thura, a square shield that can also be seen as a door. A door is an opening for entering or leaving a house, tent or room. The door is used symbolically in the Bible in many ways. We find the Valley of Achor, a place of trouble (see Josh. 7:26), is later promised as “a door of hope” (Hos. 2:15). It will become a reason for God’s people to trust Him again. Our trouble can be turned into an entry point into a new place of victory.

Jesus called Himself “the Door” (John 10:7,9). Faith in Him is the only way to enter the kingdom of God. God gave to the Gentiles “the door of faith” (Acts 14:27), or an opportunity to know Him as Lord. Jesus stands at the door and knocks (see Rev. 3:20). He calls all people to Himself, but He will not enter without permission. We need to give the Lord permission to take us through new, opportune doors and allow Him to come in and give us the power to go through these doors. Let us open the door of our heart so that we can go through our new door of opportunity.

Paul constantly sought new doors of service! These were open doors for him to go through so that he could minister in the name of Jesus Christ. First Corinthians 16:9 reads, “For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” There are many doors of opportunity ahead for each one of us. However, the adversaries behind those doors will overtake us unless our door of faith is in place.

Let us lift up our shield, or door, of faith. We do not need to be afraid to go through the opening and into the new places to which the Lord would lead us. Even though many adversaries will be on our path in days ahead, our shield of faith will quench all of their fiery darts. Jeremiah 46:3 (NIV) is encouraging: “Prepare your shields, both large and small, and march out for battle!” Let us go forth with confidence, with our shield lifted high, and our victory will be assured.

The following are a few declarations that we made during the 50-State Tour. It will benefit you to make these declarations in your life, over the Church of your city, your state, your region, and this nation.

  1. The river is changing courses! Ready yourself for the next war ahead! Don’t remain in your last war cycle. Make sure you are allowing or causing or choosing for the old to end! Deal with all of your dangerous emotions so they will not present great challenges to you in the future. Let’s move into our next phase of victory!

  2. Receive a new anointing…for victory over death cycles and the fear of death…for victory over demonic forces that would try to stop you in the future…for increase and harvest so you begin to fill His storehouse…and for an Issachar anointing to interpret the times so you know what decisions to make.

  3. When the enemy encircles you, declare you will find security in the Lord. The enemy will attempt to surround you, so be sure to develop your shields of protection. Musk Oxen form a circle around a cow that is giving birth. This provides protection so the next generation can come forth. To intercessors and prayer groups, you must be like the Musk Ox in your region.

  4. Be surrounded and sealed by the Holy Spirit. Develop a new level of discernment through worship. Reality is produced when we worship in Word (Truth) and Spirit. End old cycles. Do not cycle through your wilderness again. Break the cycle of Mount Sinai. (Don’t go around that mountain again!) Head toward and up Mount Zion. In the face of your enemy, violently praise! Let praise bind the strong- man and then plunder, take, and repossess your spoils.

  5. Let the Lord take His compass and drop His plumbline in your midst. Allow Him to set a new direction and chart your course for the future (see 1 Corinthians 16:5-18).

  6. Do not fear; go up against what has seemed to be invincible in your past (see Joshua 5–7).

  7. Let His supernatural love overwhelm and encompass you. This will release a dimension of compassion that the Church has lost. This will cause the healing mantle to be restored back to the Church. This will open the door for prodigals to return (see Matthew 9; Luke 15).

  8. Review your boundaries. This is a season of divine commandments. The Lord will be restructuring our boundaries so the law can be fulfilled in our hearts. This will allow us to take back ground from the enemy who has shifted laws and time (see Daniel 7).

  9. Come full circle. The Lord will give you a second chance to confront and deal with that thing that defeated you in the last season!…or you will go around that same mountain again.

  10. This is a season of the Spirit supernaturally rekindling the power gifts. The war will take a supernatural turn. Example: There is a fine line between word of knowledge and ESP (see 1 Corinthians 12,14). On the Tour, we asked the Lord to release His gifts in the Body of Christ in our nation.

  11. Ask the Lord to bring forth new revelation from the pulpit of your region. Supernatural teaching will defy religion. The Lord will reveal a different dimension of the Word to expound upon (see Mark 2).

  12. Ask the Lord to bring forth a new expression of worship. Be expressive in praise and rejoice in the midst of your battles. Do not hide your emotions (see 2 Chronicles 20). The roar of the Lion of Judah will win your battles!

  13. Declare the generations will connect and war together (see Isaiah 59:15-21). The word generation is linked with circle (see Esther 9).

  14. This is a time to plunder. Read Exodus 3–12. (The Future War of the Church explains dethroning the gods of Egypt.) First Samuel 30 shows how David gained control of his emotions and recovered his loss.

  15. Gain new prayer strategies, prepare the way, and expect victory (see 2 Kings 3)! Do not let the enemy’s retaliation cause you to back up.

Worship and sound are important. Throw open the window and receive the sound of the Lord! Let the Wind bring the sound that you need through your window. Your conscience is like a window between soul and spirit. Make sure nothing is clouding your conscience. Open your mouth and release the shout of victory! This is the season of confession and decree. What we say now determines our future. If we will cleanse our conscience, then the revelation that has not been able to influence our minds will find entrance. Though the enemy is roaming like a mighty lion seeking whom he may destroy, there is a roar in you to be released at this time. This roar will defy the enemy. Go past that which seems invincible in your life. Get in the river of change that is flowing by your door and let it take you to your next place. Get a shield of protection around you and birth the new that the Lord has for you. Your latter end (future) will be greater than your beginning.

Dutch Sheets & Chuck Pierce

Dutch Sheets, founder of Dutch Sheets Ministries and Give Him 15®, is an internationally recognized author and minister with over 45 years of experience. He has pastored, taught in Bible colleges, and preached globally. Among his 24 books, Intercessory Prayer is a bestseller, translated into over 30 languages and selling over a million copies. Dutch is a herald of hope, proclaiming America's forthcoming Third Great Awakening and encouraging fervent prayer for worldwide revival. Since 2020, his GH15 daily prayer content has amassed over 59 million engagements across various media.

Charles D. “Chuck” Pierce leads an apostolic and prophetic ministry in Corinth, Texas. He is President of Glory of Zion International, Kingdom Harvest Alliance, and Global Spheres Inc. These three ministries are housed at Global Spheres Center, which also includes Beulah Acres and the Israel Prayer Garden. He continues to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. The ministries located at Global Spheres Center participate in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms. Dr. Pierce also serves as a key bridge between Jew and Gentile as the Lord raises up One New Man. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live.


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