9 Ways Demons Attack Your Finances: Decree Breakthrough from Demonic Curses

One of the first lines of the enemy’s attack is the finances of the people of God.

Teachings that disagree with giving as outlined in the word of God leave us in a place of ignorance of the firstfruits, the sacrifice, the offering, and the tithe. These are four realms of giving that my spiritual father, Apostle Renny McLean, breaks down so well. Because the church does not understand the times and seasons of God, we do not know when to sacrifice. Because we do not understand the priest- hood, we do not understand the tithe. When people say things like, “The tithe is not for today,” they’re unknowingly removing the priesthood. So the number-one open door for the enemy to attack us in the area of our finances is ignorance pertaining to God’s economic system.

The tithe is a tenth of our total increase. This is part of our priesthood, and this is a key to opening the heavens.

The offering is a freewill offering. There is no limit to it, and it’s the key to God’s multiplication system to increase what we have.

The firstfruits offering is when we give the first of something. It could be the first check on a new job, or the first increase of the year, or the first profits we make for a business we just started. The firstfruit is 100 percent of the first harvest.

The sacrifice is prepared all year and is given during the three primary feasts.

Alms are finances that we give to the poor.

Not living by God’s supernatural economic system leaves us with no other option than to live by the world’s. To not give financially into the Kingdom of God is to be a thief and a robber, and it opens the door to demonic spirits. When people think of living a holy life, few of them consider that our financial giving is a form of worship. The world economic systems are controlled by a principality called mammon. This spirit steals the wealth of the people of God. It is willing to reward people in the world; however, there is a great price in the end. This spirit is responsible for poverty on the earth as it distributes wealth according to the plan and strategies of satan’s kingdom. When people are living the type of life that makes them willing to do anything to have money—especially lie, cheat, steal, commit crimes, gamble, and other unethical means—they are servants of mammon.

The spirit of mammon is responsible for all of the deception in the church in relation to money. It’s also responsible for the negative view of money in the church. This is why the world thinks it’s okay to have money as long as you’re not a minister. Organizations and other institutions can be wealthy, but the moment the church comes into any form of wealth, it’s instantly viewed with suspicion. The irony is that many believers have the exact same outlook. This is an attempt to get followers of Jesus to rebel against the word of God in relation to money and continue to steal our wealth and keep us from using our resources to advance the Kingdom of God while investing endless money into entertainment and other vain things.

No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Luke 16:13 KJV).

Our generosity toward the Kingdom of God reveals our service and worship toward God. Any believer who is not generous toward the Kingdom of God is a servant of mammon, and they are in trapped in the mammon system. The tithe and the offering are the beginnings of our deliverance in the area of our finances. They open us to God’s supernatural economy and cause us to exit the curse on the world’s financial systems.

Now let’s cover some different ways that satan brings people into financial bondage.

Virtue Stealers

Virtue stealers are any demonic powers that enter into your dream state, as we talked about in the last chapter. In this case, they enter your dreams in order to steal finances from you. When this happens, you may dream of your purse or your wallet being stolen from you—as in the example of the woman in the last chapter—or your bank card or anything that represents finances in your dream state. Also, if your house is broken into in the dream, this often means that the virtue or wealth has been stolen.

Once the virtue is stolen, it will be difficult to overcome financial problems in the natural. A virtue stealer can be any demon or demonic agent that enters into your dream state with a purpose of stealing your ability to create wealth.


The spirit of python is the next thing we will focus on. Python is a demonic force that can be a virtue stealer, and python always works hand in hand with poverty. The Bible says in the book of Job, “He hath swallowed down riches, and he shall vomit them up again: God shall cast them out of his belly” (Job 20:15 KJV). This means the python spirit is a sign that the demonic is swallowing wealth, as well as other things. When- ever someone is having dreams of serpents, especially pythons, they must know one of the areas that the python is hindering is their financial status.

The divine strategy of God against the python spirit as it relates to wealth and poverty is to release the fire of God and command your wealth to be vomited up by the power of the Holy Spirit. You may read this and say, “Why? I’ve never had wealth for a python to swallow.” I believe that is greater evidence that the virtue of wealth has been stolen from your entire bloodline. It’s time to take it back.

Seed Eaters

I remember my wife and I being in a very difficult time financially. During this time, we lived paycheck to paycheck, and we struggled to do normal things. Our basic needs were barely met, and despite all of our attempts to improve our quality of life, we could not seem to break through. One night in a dream, I saw the inside of our home, but to my surprise I saw what looked like caterpillars all over everything. Immediately in my spirit, I heard the words seed eaters.

This class of spirits is assigned to eat up and devour whatever increase comes into your life. During this time, because of our struggles, our tithe would be hit or miss. I believe this opened the door to what the Bible promised we would be protected from, and that was devourers.

Generational Curses

Wherever there is a generational curse, the iniquities of the fathers are carried down to three or four generations. If there is a curse of poverty working against a person, it will have a supervisor that enforces the curse. The goal of the devil is for us to participate with a parent who is under a curse to continue their original sin that opened the door for the curse in the first place. By doing this, the devil is able to cause the curse to continue and even reset.

When a curse is operational, it is spiritual—meaning that nothing we do in the natural brings about any change, and we relive the evil patterns of those before us. If you are living in the same financial struggles as everyone in your family before you, this could be a sign that a curse is present. Repentance for participating with the curse and breaking into generosity with our financial giving toward God can not only break the curse, it can bring us into new realms of financial living.

Ancestral Debts to the Kingdom of Darkness

In some cultures, witchcraft is perceived to be normal and even traditional. Some people are paying debts to the kingdom of darkness because those before them, in order to acquire wealth, made covenants with demonic powers or became wealthy through the kingdom of darkness. In these cases, the only way that wealth will continue through the bloodline would be if the family continues to serve those evil covenants. When one of the descendants leaves the kingdom of darkness and enters the Kingdom of light, the demonic powers retain a debt they can legally extract from that person.

The solution to this type of demonic oppression is for the evil covenant to be terminated by the blood of Jesus. We repent for our generations and for acquiring any wealth that came from the kingdom of darkness; we renounce that evil covenant and then engage in spiritual warfare prayer to reclaim our financial virtue.

Prayer Against Evil Foundations

I cancel every evil curse I inherited at my birth. I cancel every evil covenant following me from my generations. I destroy by fire and bring to an end every evil pattern and cycle. Every power that ruled my ancestors, today you come out by fire. Sicknesses and infirmities of my fathers and mothers, die by fire. Premature death, burn and come out! All spirits from my father’s house, fall down and die. All spirits from my mother’s house, fall down and die. Inherited poverty, release me by fire. Every curse attached to my first name, be terminated. Every curse on my last name, be destroyed forever. Spirit of failure, be canceled! Marital failure and family breakdown, receive fire and go. Lunatic spirit, release my mind by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Trauma and abuse, come out now. Let the blood of Jesus cleanse my foundations.

Work of Witches, Warlocks, and Agents of the Occult

As stated in a previous chapter, the work of witchcraft is very vast. Some financial issues that ministries as well as businesses have are due to the activity of witches. One of the devil’s tactics is to connect witches to ministries and for the witch to give a seed that has been cursed into the account of the ministry or the personal account of the minister. This is one of the reasons why it’s very important that finance teams in churches are spiritual. They must be praying people who will apply the blood of Jesus upon the financial giving of the people of God and pray over the ministry’s accounts. Leaders must also discern whether they should receive a gift or not.

A dream to pay attention to concerning money is if you’re handed change by a random person. What they have done is they have demoted your financial status. It is similar to having a dream in which someone hands you a large amount of money—that represents God giving you financial increase and supernatural provision. But trust me, there is no reason for God to hand you chump change. God wants you to be prosperous, and when this type of dream comes, you must rise up and renounce it.

Because witchcraft is vast, I will not be able to summarize all its works, but I will say they use many devices. They may bury money in the ground, including burying money in a grave. They may bury it in a tree. They may use a pot, and so on. The tactic is not important here, but it is critical we understand that one of the works of witchcraft is to steal finances from the people of God. Witches are very involved in this. We must rise up and engage in spiritual warfare prayer to destroy the works of witchcraft and recover the wealth that belongs to us.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

Right now, in the name of Jesus, I repent from stealing from God with my tithes with my offerings. I repent for robbing You and not placing my faith in You as my provider. Today, I repent for any way that I have participated with a generational curse of poverty. I renounce that generational curse, and I terminate it by the fire of the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus. I repent, Lord, for any way that my generations have opened the door to financial bondage, and I repent for my generations serving water spirits to gain wealth. I repent of any unethical practices that my family used in order to gain wealth. Let the blood of Jesus cleanse my bloodline right now.

I renounce ancestral powers, in the name of Jesus. Every power that’s been trying to devour my finances, receive the Holy Spirit’s fire, in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I command the serpent to vomit up all of my wealth, blessings, and destiny, in the name of Jesus.

By the fire of the Holy Spirit, I command my virtues to be vomited up and recovered, in the name of Jesus.

By the power in the blood of Jesus, I command every thief and robber in my dreams to be arrested, in the name of Jesus.

Let the fire of the Holy Spirit destroy every seed eater that is after my harvest, in the name of Jesus. By the fire of the Holy Spirit, I command a sevenfold return into my life, in Jesus’ name.

Every power of witchcraft working against my finances, be completely destroyed in Jesus’ name. Every evil altar hindering my finances, be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Every evil altar and gate trying to regulate what can come into my life from heaven, be broken beyond repair by the thunder of God, in Jesus’ name.

Every witchcraft manipulation against my finances, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus. Let the arrow of financial failure fired into my life burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.

Every evil power enforcing the generational curse of poverty in my life is cursed and has been broken by the cross of Jesus Christ. Now, die by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Every evil power operating behind every evil covenant, your covenant has been terminated by the blood of Jesus Christ. I command you to receive the fire of the Holy Spirit and release me.

I command every evil pattern trying to come into my life, be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. I break the back of all setbacks and demotions, in the name of Jesus. All demonic activity set in motion to frustrate my financial progress, be frustrated yourself by the lightnings of God. I reverse all evil exchanges of my destiny, and I command the evil hand that has changed it to be broken by the fire the Holy Spirit.

I release fire against every incantation that’s been spoken to curse me. Every word that is active in the spirit realm working against me, fall to the ground and die, in Jesus’ name. I release the spirit of burning upon my financial life, in Jesus’ name. I command the spirit of mammon to release my life by the fire of the Holy Spirit.

I thank You, Lord, that by the cross of Jesus Christ I am wealthy. Jesus took my poverty so that I can be prosperous, and right now I receive wealth, prosperity, and success through the blood of Jesus.

Declarations Over Your Finances

Mammon, release my life by the blood of Jesus.

Lack, be broken by fire.

Curse of poverty and the enforcer of it, be uprooted from my life by fire.

Every waster, seed eater, devourer, and power of the leaking pocket, die.

Issues engineered by demons, be destroyed by God’s mighty thunder.

Evil exchanges of my wealth, be reversed by the blood of Jesus.

I am rich, not poor.

Jesus became poor for me to become rich.

Poverty, release me now.

Chazdon Strickland

Chazdon Strickland is a loving husband to his beautiful wife Emily and a father to his four children. After an encounter with God, he was called to carry a global fire to the nations. Chazdon’s ministry is marked with remarkable demonstrations of Gods power, revelation of the Kingdom, apostolic signs and wonders, and fresh impartation to advance believers in the things of God.


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