Releasing Prophetic Solutions Over a Broken World

Lori Bakker discusses prophetic solutions with special guest Christy Johnston.

“When we begin to see from His perspective and aware of who He is and who we carry, we begin to release Him over that and we begin to pray prayers of power and authority.” – Christy Johnston

“I don’t believe that He is condemning America. I believe that this is an invitation for us to step into the heart of God because He loves America.” – Christy Johnston

Christy Johnston

Christy Johnston is an intercessor, teacher, prophetic voice and justice carrier. Christy’s burning heart for justice and intercession has led her on a life journey of prayer, contending for major world issues. Together with her husband, Nate, and their two young daughters, she is passionate to raise and empower God’s sons and daughters to release the Kingdom of God across the earth.


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