There is No Junior Holy Spirit! Miracles Are Breaking Out Among Children!

Bethel’s Children’s Pastor, Amy Gagnon, shares about miracles that are breaking out among children!

COVID19 has made church buildings less accessible, so our homes have become the church.

God is pouring out on Children right now! At Bethel, we have had many children who have been wanting to soak in the presence of God in their homes and they are leading their parents into that time!

We are installing identity into kids and asking parents to ask their children how to do this! Children are able to guide you into what they know. They push past logic and reason and doubt and they just trust that Jesus will show up! Kids are even creating encounter rooms in their homes and inviting their parents into this!

We had a puppy at home and he injured his leg and our children believed that God would heal our dog! After praying for our dog we went to the vet and he was completely healed! Kids are walking out in power and authority!

I have some friends whose kids were stir crazy at home. The kids ended up putting a store outside that was free and the kids gave away their favorite things. Seashells, signs they made, cards, and as cars went by they gave things away to make people happy and joyful! One gave flowers from their yard! Kids are trying to change the narrative of what is going on in the world right now! They are wanting to spread hope and love.

Children know who they are and are walking it out and parents are beginning to see what powerful people they have inside of their home! Kids are not just there to be quiet and sit in the corner. They are a vibrant life giving part of the family unit!

Children do not have a junior Holy Spirit! Many breakthroughs come from inviting your kids to pray!

Amy Gagnon

Amy Gagnon is the Director of children’s ministry at Bethel church as well is a part of the Church Leadership Team. Amy and her husband have been a part of Bethel Church for over 25 years and Amy has served on staff at Bethel since 2004. She has an insatiable hunger to see children reach their full potential in Christ. Amy also has a huge passion for Spiritually healthy families living out revival in their homes in practical ways. Amy and her husband, Jeremy have four daughters, who have played an important role in shifting their mindsets to include all that God wants to do with kids and creating an environment to have their own unique connection and relationship with God.


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