Encounters in Glory & Manifest Miracles


Today we declare that you begin to encounter a new level of God’s weight and glory.

May you experience the power of His might and majesty on a level that causes you to fall on your knees in humble worship. We say that you supernaturally see His beauty, perfection, depth, and strength. We decree you have a divine revelation of how limitless He is. We declare that you will intimately know the God who created all things, for by Him all things exist and are being upheld by the word of His power. May His good- ness pass before you that you will know with certainty that His presence is going with you wherever you go. We prophesy that you will sense His majestic strength in your home, workplace, and community and live and function as a carrier of His great glory. We say that the glory of the Lord will shine all about you and emanate from within you. We prophesy this day that you shall enter into new realms and encounters with His glory, in Jesus’ Name!


And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them (John 17:22).

Word of Encouragement

Believers commonly talk about the desire to experience the glory of God. It’s something everyone who knows God has probably sought. Like Moses in Exodus 33:18, we ask and seek God that we might experience His glory. This craving is an important factor in developing intimacy with an all-powerful God. Yet there is another factor we must include, which is something Jesus prayed. While in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus declared that He was giving us the same glory that was upon Him. It sounds extreme, but He was saying that being carriers of God’s glory is a promised gift. Through the Holy Spirit within we can expect to experience His glory. It’s already with us wherever we go! So when we ask to encounter His glory, we are asking for something already promised and therefore we should expect mighty encounters with His glory to manifest!

Manifesting Signs and Wonders


We declare that you are one who carries the miraculous upon you and that you operate in the supernatural manifestations of God for this generation.

We say that heavenly signs confirm the word that flows from your mouth. We decree that every hindrance and blockage that would prevent the supernatural breaks now in Jesus Name. We take authority over every man-made ideology and empty religious tradition that would keep the mighty works of God from being displayed. We say that you come to know the supernatural attributes of God that enable you to speak with new tongues, cast out demons, and lay hands upon the sick. May you operate in the miraculous power of the Spirit without restraint whenever the need arises. We say signs, wonders, and miracles follow you in Jesus’ Name!


Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders (Isaiah 8:18).

Word of Encouragement

When Jesus was raised from the dead and ready to return to heaven, He told His disciples that they would carry miraculous faculties upon them as they went out to share the Gospel (see Mark 16:15-18). He told them they would speak in heavenly languages, cast out demons, and lay hands on the infirm so they could be healed. Then after Jesus was received into heaven and the Holy Spirit came upon them at Pentecost, they were endued with the ability to operate in miracles. Mark 16:20 says they went out preaching, and signs and wonders followed them. It’s always been the desire of God to manifest the miraculous upon and through His people. We aren’t meant to be a powerless church. There is a generation to reach, and they need to see His tangible power! We have been born for signs and for wonders!

Brenda Kunneman

Brenda Kunneman pastors Lord of Hosts Church, in Omaha, Nebraska, with her husband, Hank. She is a writer and teacher, who ministers nationally and internationally, seeing lives change through the prophetic word and ministry in the Holy Spirit, coupled with a balanced, relevant message. Together, she and her husband also host a weekly TV program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, on Daystar Television Network.


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