Unlock the End-Times Armory: The Sword Of Goliath

Looking back, we see that many (if not all) of the events that involved the nation of Israel were prophetic historical pictures.

From the children of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt to the conquest of the Promised Land, we see these events as prophetic parallels of what God will accomplish in His church.

The civil war we see in First Samuel 21 between David and Saul is no exception. In fact, I believe it provides us with the perfect picture of what’s happening in the church today. The religious house of Saul, which wants to maintain the status quo in the modern church, has launched a coordinated effort to silence the house of David, which will be carriers of the end-time move of God. We can see each character in this story in the modern church today.

Doeg was a chief herdsman of King Saul. His name means “fearful.” As a chief herdsman of thousands, he looks to me like a modern mega-church pastor who’s more concerned about losing his job security than he is about advancing God’s Kingdom. Doeg later betrays the priest and has the entire house of Ahimelech killed for helping David (see 1 Sam. 22:17).

The most tragic figure in this story is the priest, Ahimelech. He and his house were destroyed because he did not know that David and Saul were fighting. He was killed, not because he was innocent, but because he was ignorant. We have many in the church today who are dying because they are unaware of the battle they are in right now.

Ahimelech just wanted everyone to get along. Ministers who will side with today’s woke culture in an attempt to appear loving have no idea that their end will be the same as this priest. It will come back to bite them.

Minsters like these are pawns that God will use to fuel the house of David. We often hear talk about a great end-time wealth transfer from the hands of the wicked into the hands of the righteous—and it’s true (see Prov. 13:22). However, I believe that there’s also going to be a great transfer from the hands of the so-called-righteous to the called-out remnant.

There are many who have ministries who are not using their resources properly, and God is about to redirect their supplies to those who will. There are buildings, buses, planes, and funds that God is about to slide across the table to those who will be faithful with them.

David’s men were hungry, but all there was to eat in the house of God was the sacred bread that was meant only for the priest. God is about to take what’s been used for ministry in the house of God and use it to supply His army outside the four walls of the church.

As we see in the story, holiness is a key qualifier. David’s men had to have kept themselves clean to partake of the sacred bread. We’ve had too many ministries fall because they were never taught to avoid the very appearance of evil (see 1 Thess. 5:22-24). It’s time for a revival of holiness in God’s army. Holiness qualifies us to receive this provisional transfer.

Then we get the best part of this story. David asked the priest if he had any weapons. This may seem like an odd question to us. Why would there be weapons in the house of God? God’s desire is to always arm His people for victory. The priest said, “We actually do have a weapon, and you might be familiar with it. We have Goliath’s sword.”

Remember the history of David’s battle with Goliath of Gath? I’m sure you do, but there’s more to the story than what we learned in Sunday school. Read 1 Samuel 17:1-11.

Goliath is described as a giant, standing at least ten feet tall. He has a coat of mail that weighs more than 150 pounds. His spear is around eighteen pounds and is like a weaver’s beam. A weaver’s beam is two and a half inches thick and can extend to twelve feet in length. It’s no wonder that King Saul was greatly dismayed. Goliath seemed like an insurmountable foe.

This is the perfect picture of satan, whose grip on this nation and the world seems gigantic. He’s taunting us when he locks down churches—but opens abortion clinics. He’s taunting us when he encourages protests—but bans praise in church. He’s taunting us when he bans Christian voices on the internet—but accelerates the volume of filth available to our children on social media. It seems insurmountable, but what if God is about to take the weapons that the enemy has been using to taunt us and turn them around to destroy him?

What was it that killed Goliath? The religious answer is always the same: the stone from David’s sling. Though it certainly played a part, the stone from the sling wasn’t what slew Goliath. David finished Goliath off with his own weapon (see 1 Samuel 17:39-51). David used enemy technology. What the enemy was using to intimidate and harm God’s people, David turned against him. Taking possession of the enemy’s weapons means never allowing them to be used against us or those we love again.

Media today is a mighty weapon, and there are too many Christians who have been intimidated by it or are ignorant of its power. Imagine an entity so powerful that it could program an entire generation to think a certain way. Then, imagine that entity convincing Christians to pay for it!

Parents may give their children a few hours of religious instruction in a seven-day period, while media giants from Hollywood and Silicon Valley spend more than forty hours a week with them through that screen. These propaganda companies aren’t just in it for the money. If that were true, they would rate all their movies G or PG. Family-rated media makes two to three times more money than anything R-rated. Even the top grossing R-rated movie was The Passion of the Christ for a long time.

They’re not making movies with perverse sensuality, gratuitous violence, and vile profanity for the money. The main reason they are doing it is to influence culture. They want society to be as depraved as they are. Most of what we call the news today is just what those who own the news want the country to be talking about.

In the theological study of eschatology, there is much debate over who the false prophet will be during the great tribulation, but I think there’s little argument over who is possessed by this spirit today—the media.

In response, the church generally reacts in one of two ways. Either we fall in line and give them our money, or we move toward the Benedict Option, separating ourselves entirely. We either become like them or run from them. I suggest there’s a third option. Let’s look to the Word of God, become wise as serpents, and use the enemy’s weapons against him.

Alan DiDio

After experiencing a radical spiritual encounter at the age of seventeen, Alan DiDio was born again; instantly transforming him from a dogmatic atheist to a passionate follower of Jesus. Taught in a Word-Based Church he learned early on how to stand in faith. Not long after giving his life to Christ, Pastor Alan went off to Bible College and continued serving with a national ministry for twelve years and working on staff for nearly seven. In that time, he gained experience in every possible area of ministry from running an international prayer center to traveling across the country spreading the Gospel. Since then, he’s founded Encounter Christ Church in his hometown and taken the Gospel to nations such as Pakistan, Haiti, and Guatemala. “I’m a Preacher, a Provocateur, and at times an admitted Contrarian in the midst of a lovers’ quarrel with organized religion. Ultimately I love God, my Family & You.”


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