I Saw an Angel with These 4 Names Written on Him

Keith Miller saw an angel with 4 names written on him. Find out what these 4 names were!

▶▶The Seven-fold Spirit of God [Book & CDs]: https://bit.ly/3fjuIPp
▶▶The Seven-fold Spirit of God [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/315cjRg

Keith Miller’s angelic visitations were for one awesome reason—so that you would encounter the sevenfold Spirit of God!

Jesus had it. You want it!

Keith Miller asks, How much of God do you want? His new book, The Seven-fold Spirit of God, helps you encounter the Person who moves on the face of your reborn spirit! By this Person, Jesus accomplished everything he did.And today, the person Jesus redeemed — you — represents God’s constant ambition. He wants you to become like Him. At the minimum the Spirit has a mandate to be your constant Partner for transformation.Keith Miller says do not live to your minimum! Be more than clay on a potter’s wheel. The Seven-fold Spirit is your open door to encounters with the power of God! Your life assignment, Keith says, is to discover what these words from Isaiah meant to Jesus:

  • The Spirit of the Lord

  • Wisdom

  • Understanding

  • Counsel

  • Might

  • Knowledge

  • The Fear of the Lord

By the time you navigate Keith’s book and powerful 3-CD/audio series, Partnering with the Spirit of God, you will be well underway. Keith says ALWAYS ask God for more. Your covenant relationship has the power of the Spirit of God to do it!Keith Miller is a prophetic revivalist who, with his wife Janet, founded Stand Firm World Ministry. Their ministry emphasis is on God’s redemptive blessings through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Millers are based in Amarillo, Texas.

▶▶The Seven-fold Spirit of God [Book & CDs]: https://bit.ly/3fjuIPp
▶▶The Seven-fold Spirit of God [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/315cjRg

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Copyright Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 2020 #SidRoth #KeithMiller #Angels


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