Training Up a Younger Prophetic Generation


Each believer is given continuous revelation by the Holy Spirit to benefit not just himself but all (1 Corinthians 12:7 The Passion Translation).

The following are just a few testimonies we have received through the years about how God’s prophetic voice through us has impacted people’s lives:

When you two prophesied to me last year, God completely healed me of epilepsy.

Your prophetic words spoke about how God was going to open my barren womb and bless me with many children, and now I am pregnant with my fifth child!

You guys prophesied to me that God was going to bless me as a writer, and now I am working on my fifth book!

The prophetic words you released helped me embrace my calling to ministry, and now I travel and speak all around the world.

During the past forty years of ministry together, it has been amazing for us to see how one word from God can change everything! As a matter of fact, we believe releasing the voice of God is one of the most powerful tools we can use to unlock destiny and freedom, bring healing and deliverance, impart spiritual gifts for breakthrough, and advance the Kingdom of God.

When we were in our early 20s, we began to walk out the call of God together. We worked with Tom’s father, Bishop Bill Hamon, in the offices of Christian International and even pioneered and pastored our first little church in the Arizona desert. The ministry eventually moved to Florida where we set up our headquarters and began to hold regular training conferences to teach, train, and activate people to hear the voice of God. We also pioneered Christian International Family Church (now Vision Church) during this time to help establish our base.

In the early days, Bishop Hamon did all the work—all the preaching, praying, and prophesying. We would stand with him while he ministered to hundreds of people and hold the microphone and pray, and we would occasionally get a little word to share. But during one conference, he became extremely sick with walking pneumonia and realized he couldn’t do it all himself.

That morning, he told us he would not be the one prophesying to the people, and that he was going to divide the staff into teams who would minister to those attending the conference. We were horrified! We said, “Bishop, they aren’t coming to hear from us, they are coming to hear from you!”

“No!” he replied. “They are coming to hear from God—and you are trained and equipped. Now you will be the ones to minister to them.”


Needless to say, we all fasted lunch that day and read as much of the Bible as we possibly could in that hour, praying in tongues frantically and begging God to use us. To say we were nervous would be an understatement. But when the time came, Bishop was right. We had been trained to hear God’s voice and we were equipped to minister the word of the Lord to our assigned teams of people.

By God’s grace, we did it! Whew! We realized that Bishop Hamon had set an example for us by his demonstration and empowered us through activation so that when the time came, we could step into the full impartation to fulfill our calling. We have been prophesying ever since! Bishop Hamon reproduced himself in us, teaching us everything he knew, laying hands on us for the anointing, and then pushed us out to do it!

Since that time, Christian International has trained hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to hear God’s voice and minister to others so they can change their world. We have many, many methods of activations that are taught through our Apostolic Prophetic Training Modules, which involve not just the activation of the gifts but also the shaping of a person’s character. Bishop Hamon has taught that God is more interested in making a mighty person rather than a mighty ministry.

We also have a full-time, on-campus Bible College of students who don’t just receive a Bible education, but also a spiritual activation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Our students all serve on our local church prophetic teams and become very proficient in hearing and releasing God’s voice.

More than fifteen years ago, two students came to our Bible College, fell in love, were married, and began their own journey of walking out the call of God on their lives together. Jermaine and Rebecca Francis answered the call to be taught, trained, equipped, and activated to hear God’s voice and minister to others. Just as Bishop Hamon laid hands on us, so also we all laid hands on them and released an impartation. Now, not only have they each prophesied to thousands of people all around the world with great anointing and power, they also carry the mantle and the mandate to raise up their generation to do the same.

Today Jermaine and Rebecca are considered prophets to nations, authors, speakers, and gifted leaders in the Body of Christ. The anointing that has been upon Bishop Hamon and our lives has now been imparted to them and they are running with it. We represent three generations running together to, in Bishop’s words, “Reproduce reproducers who reproduce reproducers.”

Activating the Gift of Prophecy is a clarion call to the arising prophetic generation to draw on all of what the previous generations have pioneered—and build into the future. Let God activate your prophetic gift so you too can hear God’s voice and change your world.

Tom and Jane Hamon


Jane Hamon

Jane Hamon and her husband, Tom, are senior leaders of Vision Church @ Christian International in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. Jane, a gifted teacher and storyteller, has written several books, including Dreams and Visions, The Deborah Company and The Cyrus Decree. The Hamons have three children and a growing number of grandchildren. They make their home on the beautiful Emerald Coast of Florida.


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