Reproducing the Prophetic Ministry


In 1985 I wrote the Manual for Ministering Spiritual Gifts. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, I would travel to churches teaching and activating church members in the prophetic, which is activating saints in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. But most times when I would return to that church six months later, they had not maintained or advanced in the prophetic ministry. After discussing this with several pastors, I discovered the problem. The pastors revealed that they did not have the revelation, knowledge, or experience to teach, train, and activate saints in prophetic ministry. They needed a teaching manual to help them. So, I wrote the 300-page teaching manual with teaching outlines, scriptural instructions, and activations. Now, more than 300,000 saints and ministers have been trained in the Manual for Ministering Spiritual Gifts in most the nations.

In 1973, God gave me the divine visitation that gave revelation and divine enablement to minister in personal prophecy to numerous people in one service. One major prophet prophesied that God was giving me the anointing “to be a reproducer of reproducers who would also reproduce reproducers, who could train and equip people in prophetic ministry.” To fulfill that prophetic word, we began Schools of the Holy Spirit and later Prophetic Seminars. I wrote the manual for the reproducers to teach, train, and equip others to be able to do the same.

To make sure the church understood prophets and the ministry of personal prophecy, I wrote Prophets and Personal Prophecy, which was published in 1986. After the Prophetic Movement was birthed in October 1988, I wrote Prophets and the Prophetic Movement. This book covers the ministry of the prophets, what the Prophetic Movement restored in the church, and guidelines for proper ways to minister in personal prophecy.

There became a need for much more clarity and understanding concerning the giving, receiving, and fulfilling personal prophecy. So, next I wrote Prophets—Pitfalls to Avoid and Principles to Practice. These books have become the major resources to help prophetic people to minister personal prophecy with wisdom, accuracy, and balance.

In their new book, Jermaine and Rebecca Francis have done an excellent job in presenting the wisdom needed for properly ministering the prophetic ministry to people. They attended Christian International’s Ministry Training College for several years. They were thoroughly trained in the principles, protocols, and proper practices for ministering personal prophecy to others. They taught and trained many saints in the United States and several other nations. For example, they traveled to Korea and taught and trained people the prophetic ministry using Christian International’s manual for teaching the prophetic titled the Manual for Ministering Spiritual Gifts. They prophesied to more than 400 individuals during that week of teaching, activating, and prophesying.

Prophets, Jermaine and Rebecca have been taught these books and now they have taught them numerous times to others along with the manual. They have pulled together the knowledge, wisdom, and experience they gained over the years and have written Activating the Gift or Prophecy to introduce new beginners to prophetic ministry and to help mature those who have already been introduced to prophetic ministry.

Bless you Jermaine and Rebecca, know that you are a fulfillment of prophecy that was spoken to me, that I would have the anointing to be a reproducer who would reproduce reproducers. In the 1980s, I reproduced the prophetic ministry in my children and their generation, they then reproduced others in the 1990s, and they reproduced you in the first decade of the 21st Century.

Now in the second decade and continuing, you are reproducing others with the same anointing, wisdom, and grace. This book will be an additional extension of your reproducing ministry as my many books have been for my ministry. You have made your Bishop PaPa proud to see you faithfully fulfilling your calling from God to co-labor with Christ in building His Church.

Bill Hamon


Why Hearing God’s Voice is Easier Than You Think


Training Up a Younger Prophetic Generation