Finding God


Finding God’s love is actually finding God Himself. Finding God’s love is finding a personal friendship with a personal God. Finding His love is finding Him closely and intimately involved with your day-to-day activities and circumstances. Finding God’s love is finding healing and forgiveness of sins. It means finding freedom from bitterness and hatred. It’s finding God’s strength to walk away from sins and habits that have kept you a prisoner for too many years. Finding God’s love means finding true reality and true life. Finding God’s love is finding Him through Jesus Christ. Jesus is God’s answer for the world. As you can see, finding God’s love is far more than a prayer, far more than what you do and don’t do. It is the fulfillment of your heart’s desire for real friendship with God. Nothing else in the world can fill that God-shaped emptiness within.

Finding God’s love is actually finding God Himself.

When you give your heart to Jesus, you are freed from your past. You are a brand-new person; all the old stuff passes away and you begin a whole new life. It does not matter what others say about you or think about you. When you find God’s love, you belong to Him. Others cannot separate you from Him. There was such power when God raised Jesus from the dead that the devil’s power over humankind was forever crushed. If we will respond to God’s love, we can experience the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. This is really true. Countless millions experience this resurrection power every single day. You can, too!

When God’s love came bursting into my heart, to my great delight, I discovered that I could feel Him close to me. Deep in my heart, I could hear Him speak to me. There was a peace and an assurance that came over me that I experience even to this day. As time went on and I discovered more about God’s love and the dream He dreamt for me, my joy grew. I began to understand that I indeed had a reason to live! Although all of my problems remained, now I had God. He would help me! There is no greater place of contentment and security than in His arms.

Everything changed at that moment! I rejoiced as well as rested in the knowledge that I was born for a purpose. I knew that there was a destiny for me in God. It didn’t matter where I worked or where I lived. God had a plan for me and I was sure of it. I had found God’s love. The whole world looked entirely different than it did before. Even how I looked at myself was different. I had found God’s love. I realized I had worth. I had value, really. After all, if the God of all creation took a personal interest in me and if He had a personal love for me, how could I keep thinking the same old depressing thoughts? How could I believe the same old lies? How could I feel so worthless if God almighty loved me? It felt so great to be truly free.The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come. (Luke 4:18-19).

For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin (Romans 6:7).This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! (2 Corinthians 5:17)How do you see yourself? Look at yourself today from the perspective of God’s love for you. How does your life look different to you?

Sit quietly with Jesus and journal about your unshackled life wrapped in the love of God.

How will I make this visible through my life today?


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