The Year of Fulfillment, Suddenlies, and Sudden Breakthrough


Each year, God gives our local church a prophetic word to guide us through the year. In 2017, God spoke to us that it was the Year of Fulfillment and Suddenlies. We believe that this word when embraced will begin to release sudden breakthroughs in the life of the person who believes, embraces, and confesses it.

This is the Year of Fulfillment of My Word and prophetic promises in your life. It will happen Suddenly!

The word “suddenly” literally means quickly or unexpectant. Some of its synonyms are immediately, instantaneously, straightway, suddenly, promptly, abruptly, and swiftly, without warning, out of the blue, without notice.

He went on to tell us that this was the year that He was fulfilling every prophetic word, which He had sent to us. He said everything that we went through was all for our preparation to bring us to this place and season of our lives. Nothing would be wasted, not one of our tears or the pain and the heartache we experienced would be for naught.While reading Acts 2, we noticed how the challenges the early church encountered after Christ’s ascension, literally positioned them in the upper room. The important factor was not just that they were positioned in the upper room but more so that they were postured for Suddenlies to happen.

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.Acts 2:1-2 (KJ21)

Notice in verse 1 that they were all together in one place and they were on one accord. Suddenlies happen where there is unity. The key ingredient to their suddenly was not that they were positioned in a certain place but more so that they were postured for Suddenly breakthrough and that is exactly what they received.

Acts 1:6-8 shares with us that Christ had promised the disciples the manifestation of His Spirit, which would empower them to fulfill their assignment in the earth.

So when they had come together, they asked Him, “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? He said to them, “It is not for you to know the times or the dates, which the Father has fixed by His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”Acts 1:6-8 (MEV)

Each of us have received precious promises from God, which we are waiting to see manifestation of. What we must know and rest assured of is that when He promises us something He will perform it. He declares He is not a man that He should lie, neither is He the son of a man that He should repent, for if He said it shall He not do it and if He spoke it shall He not make it good. Grasping this understanding of the immutability (unchangeable nature) of God can revolutionize our thinking and our faithful walk, which will cause us to be positioned and postured to receive the Suddenlies of God in our life.This is the season that God is manifesting and bringing to fruition every prophetic word and promise, which He has made to us. He loves you with an unquenchable love and nothing can separate you from His love. He says that it is His good pleasure to give us the Kingdom and that there is no good thing that He will withhold from them that love Him and walk uprightly. Likewise, His Word declares that if we delight ourselves in Him, He promises to give us the desires of our hearts. With this in mind, we must have complete trust that whatever He declares or speaks for us, He will bring to pass. In this season of your life, make up your mind that you are determined to receive all that God has for you.

Prophetic Release

Sons and Daughters, many of you have been believing and waiting on Me to release things suddenly in your life. For some, it has appeared that you have been forgotten or that your prayers have been held up. I have come to tell you today that I have not forgotten you and this is your season for answered prayers. This is the time that chronological time meets my Kairos time and as they collide, you will experience the breakthrough you have desired and sought Me for. I am releasing Suddenly breakthroughs in every area of your life.

I am releasing Suddenly breakthroughs in your mind, your will, your emotions, your faith, your vision, and in every area of your life. You will not see things as you have seen them before, you will see with new eyes—eyes which view things according to My pattern and My faith and My heart’s desire for you and the life I designed for you to live from the beginning. I am changing your perspective; as your perspective changes, your circumstances will change. My Glory is going to be revealed in your life like never before. You can expect to receive the manifestation of the things you have been believing for and asking for in the season. I have declared that this is your Suddenly Season. You will go to sleep one night in one situation and wake up the next morning in your next dimension. I have anointed you for great things, no matter what your current situation may be. I have not called you to remain in your current state. It is only a place of transition because in your Suddenly Season, things are subject to change at any moment. Do not confess and declare what you see but rather confess and declare what you are believing Me for.Your confessions and declarations of faith will release the angels to move on your behalf. Your confession of faith will cause the earth to align with My heavenly plan for your life. You shall decree a thing and it shall be established in this season. Remember not the former things because I am doing a new thing in your life and I am doing it SUDDENLY! Get ready to receive it! Posture and position yourself to receive all that you have been believing Me for; because when your Suddenly Season arrives, you will not have time to get prepared, you must be ready to move forward. In this season, I am moving quickly. So, get ready and receive your Suddenly because I am the God of SUDDEN BREAKTHROUGH.


Interact with Angels!


Prayer and Praise Release the Suddenlies of God