Prayer and Praise Release the Suddenlies of God


I said to the Lord, “teach me about your Suddenlies.” And He said, “Prayer and Praise.” Then He took me to the woman with the issue of blood. She had been bleeding for 12 years. She presses through the crowd and touched the hem of Jesus’s garment and the Bible says immediately her blood flow stopped. The Lord said, “Tell my people this: if they learn how to press in faith they can receive a suddenly.” Press in faith and it will bring a suddenly into your life.

Faith and pressing through everything that told her to stop, everything that told her, “You can’t get it” she just wouldn’t stop. She kept pressing through and she said in her heart, “I don’t need Him to lay hands on me, I don’t need Him to pray for me, I don’t need him to stop, I don’t need Him to speak over me, but if I can just touch Him, I believe there is enough healing in His clothes to stop my blood from flowing.” And when she touched Him, Jesus said, “Who touched Me?” The disciples said, “All these folks are touching you.” And Jesus said, “No somebody pulled something out of Me.” Then He told the woman, “Your faith has made you whole. Your faith has brought a Suddenly into your life.” Faith will bring a suddenly into your life.Then the Lord took me to Jesus. Jesus’ ministry is a suddenly ministry because when you read the Gospels you see Jesus when He is born, then when He is 12 years old, He is in the temple right? Do you notice that for 18 years you don’t see anything else? He shows up all of a sudden, gets baptized, and immediately He comes out of the water and the Spirit of God comes on Him.The Scripture says “immediately the Spirit of God drives Him into the wilderness.” Suddenly, He is going into the wilderness. The Lord said, “son tell my people that when My spirit comes on them, it will cause them to do some sudden things.”

A suddenly is not just when you receive a suddenly, sometimes it’s when you do something suddenly. Sometimes God’s anointing comes on you and you can’t operate the same way, you have to step out of the boat and walk on the water. You have to get up and begin to move. You can’t sit down and think about it and sit down and wait a couple years. When the anointing of God comes on your life, it’s time to shift and move.There’s a suddenly season that will come on your teaching, your preaching, your moving. God is going to raise up people suddenly. He is going to put His anointing on people that nobody has heard about. All the big shots on the platform but there is somebody who has been waiting on God and a new anointing is going to come on your life and suddenly you are going to go up in the spirit and suddenly you are going to be seen and suddenly you going to begin to walk in your ministry.

Repeat after me, “Lord Let your spirit come upon me, and Lord let me walk in the suddenly.” That’s the anointing! When the anointing gets on you, you will have to move. You have to do it quickly! You have to move suddenly! I love when the anointing comes on an individual, they can’t sit around twiddling their thumbs and waiting. When the anointing comes on you, you have to suddenly do something!


The Year of Fulfillment, Suddenlies, and Sudden Breakthrough


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