Amazing Encounters with Angels and the Invisible World

Seer Jamie Galloway says the invisible realm will be busy in the coming days!

We need more seers connected to the heart of God. Is that you?

Jamie Galloway began seeing into the unseen realm at 7 years old. In Jesus, that same ability is available to you, so “earnestly desire the gift,” even today.

Jamie also says you can increase the frequency of seer encounters in your life. When you are motivated by God’s purposes and attuned to what the Father is doing around you, your spiritual eyes and ears will open to the unseem realm!

Jamie Galloway

Jamie Galloway carries a revival message that imparts a lifestyle of the supernatural. After receiving a powerful encounter with God, Jamie Galloway immediately began an incredible journey into the supernatural. During this time, God began using Jamie in some very unusual ways while giving him a love for the word of God, and a rich level of communion with Jesus.

He ministers, speaking nationally and internationally and is currently involved in various media projects that highlight the supernatural move of the Holy Spirit.


This man spent 11 hours in Heaven. What he saw will amaze you!


The Praying Nation