Prophetic Vision: Banners of Protection


You've gotta love the suddenlies of God! Suddenly, I was taken up into a vision in which the Lord showed me a propelling motion that is happening all over the earth.In the vision I was walking up a hill, and surrounding the hill crimson red banners were being raised up on either side. I then heard the voice of the Father speak, "I am raising the banners of protection. They surround you as you propel forward. Do not fear but move forward to what you know."

I believe there is a culmination coming. Those of us that have been contending for a promise of God for so long, this is your moment. Would you dare to believe? Heaven's momentum force is behind you. You are moving toward that promise of God, and the Lord is ordering things in the spirit to work towards the fulfillment of that promise. Some of us may even be surprised in this hour at how fast things are dropping into order. The speed God is moving at this hour is quick as we draw closer to the Bridegroom returning.

You Have Been Given the Tools to Propel

As I walked up that hill, and under those banners of glory, I was surprised as I looked down and saw five small pebbles in my right hand.Five pebbles ... five pebbles ... I know where I have seen five pebbles before. David went out to face the giant Goliath with just five pebbles, I thought.I stared at them and watched as these phrases appeared written on the face of the pebbles: faith, rest, courage, focus and joy.

Faith. Your ability to believe in what is unseen; to declare what is yet to be into existence, to partner with heaven and create with God dreams that seem unreachable; to say I believe in You, God—despite all odds. Faith is the currency of heaven.

Rest. As I pondered the rest stone, I heard the phrase "rest and trust" from Holy Spirit. When everything seems swirling and moving at an unusually quick pace, can you find your peace? Some of us, shameless workaholics are gaining a point of breakthrough right now, by laying down our formula to success. Let's lay down our striving and find Him. God's rewriting our definition of success as being the ability to rest and trust Him as well in the unknown.

Courage. As many of us are facing our giants right now, we need a download of courage from the Lord. We wouldn't need it, if we weren't right there at the battlefront facing on our enemy. Are you finding yourself right there today? God has called you to birth something great and like any child labor, it takes immense courage and perseverance to birth the destiny.He is for you! As David said, "You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a shield, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel" (1 Sam. 17:45b).

Focus. I am convinced that our ability to worship and keep our focus on the Lord and not our circumstance, is one of the greatest tools we can have. Our worship shifts the atmosphere around us. Nothing is worthy of stealing our focus from Him. There is no situation that God is not bigger than, and keeping our eyes fixated on Him who is worthy of all our adoration, may just be the key to our breakthrough.

Joy. "In Your presence is fullness of Joy" (Ps. 16:11). Joy is so overlooked by the body of Christ. Joy and laughter brings healing. It's actually been medically proven! So getting filled up by a dose of joy is not immature by any means. Faith generals in the Spirit face incredible setbacks and also see incredible breakthrough as heaven responds, and are downright joyful people! They have joy because they know the love of the Father and can bask and get replenished in it.You beloved, are moving toward your destiny. His banners of protection and love surround you as you propel forward, so do not fear!

Ana Werner

Ana Werner and her husband Sam currently reside in Kansas City, Missouri and are involved with the International House of Prayer. They have two precious kids that keeps them busy. Collectively they have ministered in over 13 different nations overseas. They were both called by God for missions and ministry at a young age. Ana moves in the prophetic and healing gifts. She is a Seer and teaches on seeing in the Supernatural with Jesus in churches and arenas around the world. Ana is an inspiring author and speaker. Her transparency as she shares on the realities and experiences she has in heaven, always bring Holy Spirit and the power of God into the room when she speaks. Healing, signs and wonders follow her ministry. She writes, “My deepest desire by sharing about Heaven is for people to grow more in love with Jesus, step into freedom, and live life to its fullest for Him! He is worth all our love! Intimacy with Him brings healing, healing brings freedom, and freedom brings joy!” Ana and Sam are also the founders of Acacia Ministries International, a non-profit organization that helps sustain and support missionaries all over the world, by processing all of their finances. Ana serves as the associate director in the Heartland Healing Rooms, a healing prayer ministry located in the Kansas City area.


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