Your Designer and Your Destiny


When you realize that you were created on purpose, and created in the image of the Creator, you begin to recognize that there are secrets stored up inside you. These are the very secrets that must be discovered and unleashed to a purposeless planet and a purposeless people.There are secrets inside you that God has planted— secret talents, secret gifts, and secret wisdom—that have been divinely orchestrated. These gifts, talents, abilities, wisdom, solutions, and creativities are uniquely yours. God the Creator is multidimensional enough to create you uniquely. Trust His design. The moment you start to embrace how you have been formed and fashioned is the moment you step into the very purpose for which you were created.­

God is not the author of prolonged purposelessness—you are. One of the most prevalent enemies to you stepping into your purpose is the downright deception that “the grass is greener.” In other words, something in someone else causes you to reject and ultimately neglect the unique purpose within you. This keeps you exactly where the enemy wants you, and sadly, where the world cannot afford to keep you. You cannot make a difference sitting off in a dark corner somewhere, wishing that you were someone else.

Stop, stop, stop wanting to be somebody else. Do not insult your Creator by insulting His creation. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. Can you even fathom what the psalmist is expressing by using those words—fearfully and wonderfully? (See Psalm 139:14.) You were created with awe. God didn’t just throw you together, stand back and say, “This looks good.” No. Because God fashioned you in His very image and likeness, He has a right to stand back and actually awe His own creation. Why? It’s simply God standing in awe of His own handiwork; God awing God. This is how He looks upon you.In fact, God considers you a “masterpiece.” God made you the way He wanted to make you so He could use you at a particular time in a particular way; and if you start trying to be like somebody else, you’re going to miss your purpose.

People don’t miss their purpose and bypass destiny because God decides to take it away; they miss purpose because they fail to invest in their purpose. One of the greatest ways we fail to invest in what God has wired into our DNA is through rejecting who we have been uniquely created to be and what we have been created to bring to this moment in history.You have everything you need to do what you’ve been designed to do and be what you were created to be. I repeat, you have everything you need to accomplish your purpose. If God needed you to be tall, He would have made you tall. If He needed you to be better looking, He would have made you better looking. If He needed you to have a voice to sing, He would have given you a voice to sing. Everything about you was designed with intentionality. In fact, your design is directly connected to your purpose.If you neglect your design and refuse to celebrate how you were made, you will never step into who you were made to be. We have no right to question the Potter about how He fashioned and molded the clay. God knew what He was doing when He created you like He did. He gave you the right IQ, the right personality, the right temperament. Do not despise your design, for the Designer made you a certain way so that you could accomplish a certain purpose.You, as you are, have what it takes to be who God has created you to be. Yes, get educated, equipped, trained, pursue knowledge, learning, and wisdom. Scripture tells us to pursue these things, just don’t despise who God has created you to be.

T.D. Jakes

T.D. Jakes is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 25 books. His ministry program "The Potter's Touch" is watched by 3.3 million viewers every week. He has produced Grammy Award winning music and such films as "Heaven Is For Real," "Sparkle," and "Jumping the Broom." A master communicator, he hosts Megafest, Woman Thou Art Loosed and other conferences attended by tens of thousands.


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