Rodney Hogue - Jumpstart Your Freedom

Do you ever feel like there are strongholds in your life, that no matter how hard you try, you can’t ever get past them?

Let this be the day that you jumpstart your journey to freedom. Today’s message from deliverance minister, Rodney Hogue will show you how to close the gateways to demonic oppression that have been opened in your life. When you’re finished with today’s message, I encourage you to visit your favorite book retailer and grab a copy of Rodney’s powerful book Liberated: Set Free and Staying Free from Demonic Strongholds.

Supernatural Christian Podcast

The Supernatural Christian Podcast was created to help you live out the fullness of your spiritual inheritance. Featuring dynamic, Biblical teaching from today's top Spirit-empowered leaders, this podcast will equip you with practical instruction and activate you with Holy Spirit power to begin walking in the "greater works" that Jesus promised (John 14:12). Start living the supernatural life today!


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