Powerhouse Prayer Featuring Anita Alexander

In this hour the earth is desperate for the saints to take up their authority in prayer.

We have the answer to every physical, emotional and spiritual need of humanity through the word of God, on our tongue, that is effective to pull down enemy strongholds and establish His kingdom. If you want to learn how or need some encouragement to keep going, this is the episode for you. When we look at current events, quite frankly, the timing couldn’t be more perfect.

This episode absolutely one of my favourites because... Anita. If I had to describe Anita Alexander in one word it would be “powerhouse”. Her infectious joy is the result of her continual gaze on the lover of her soul and it produces deep wisdom, calm confidence and nation shaping prayer. Have a listen today. It will infuse with courage and hope for the future, especially as she prophesies over you!

Sarah Cheesman

Sarah Cheeseman loves the prophetic and believes that hearing the voice of the God is the most natural thing for every believer and indeed, their birthright! She desires to present the prophetic in its simplicity and in doing so, unlocking it and making it accessible to all. She carries a heart for justice and encourages the Church to give their heart in prayer to see battles won in the heavenlies.

Sarah was ordained as a Prophet in 2017 by the Australian Prophetic Council and hosts her own podcast show, The Happy Prophet Podcast. She sits on the Australian Prophetic Council, leads the Up and Coming Prophets and is a prophetic voice to the Glory City Network. She overseas the prophetic stream at The Academy and teaches there weekly. She also facilitates the Glory Prophet School and leads their prophetic community.

Sarah and her husband Jesse live in Brisbane, Australia and have two, small children - Lucy and Harry.


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