Beni Johnson - The Power of Communion

“Do this in remembrance of me.” Luke 22:19 The breaking of bread and drinking of the cup in remembrance of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection is a prophetic act of worship, warfare, and proclamation. It heals, restores, breakthroughs, and aligns. It’s a somber yet joyful celebration of the greatest gift ever given to mankind - eternal life and life abundantly; that we may know Him and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. Join me in this stunning conversation with Beni Johnson who lays out the power of the cross, all it has paid for, and the gift of eternal life it offers to sons and daughters. Beni Johnson is a personal hero of mine. Her book, The Happy Intercessor, radically changed my life and still impacts the way I operate today. To say it was an honour to speak with her is an understatement - more like a dream come true. Beyond me, she is a gift to the body of Christ. Her life as a laid down lover of Jesus has impacted families, cities, and nations across the earth. Her latest written offering, The Power of Communion, unpacks the body of Jesus broken and his blood poured out for us in a practical way that we can apply to every avenue of our life.

Sarah Cheesman

Sarah Cheeseman loves the prophetic and believes that hearing the voice of the God is the most natural thing for every believer and indeed, their birthright! She desires to present the prophetic in its simplicity and in doing so, unlocking it and making it accessible to all. She carries a heart for justice and encourages the Church to give their heart in prayer to see battles won in the heavenlies.

Sarah was ordained as a Prophet in 2017 by the Australian Prophetic Council and hosts her own podcast show, The Happy Prophet Podcast. She sits on the Australian Prophetic Council, leads the Up and Coming Prophets and is a prophetic voice to the Glory City Network. She overseas the prophetic stream at The Academy and teaches there weekly. She also facilitates the Glory Prophet School and leads their prophetic community.

Sarah and her husband Jesse live in Brisbane, Australia and have two, small children - Lucy and Harry.


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