The Kingdom: Keys And Authority

Given the popularity of Jesus, you might think that most people would have a reasonably accurate understanding of his message, which he proclaimed and enacted over 2,000 years ago in Judea.

Most people cannot describe the core message of Jesus. If you were to ask the average person what Jesus’ preached – even the average Christian – you’d probably hear something about love: “Jesus taught about love. He said we should all love each other.” A well-informed person might remember that Jesus called his followers to love their enemies.

So is love the center of Jesus’ message. In fact, he did talk quite a bit about love. Jesus said that loving God is the greatest commandment and that loving our neighbors is an extension of loving God (Mark 12:29-31). If Jesus had been telling people to love each other around Judea, he certainly wouldn’t have been crucified on a Roman cross.  Neither the Romans nor the Jewish authorities would have been bothered by a Jew who told people to love each other. Though the Romans were enemies of first-century Jews, they wouldn’t have crucified someone whose main crime was telling Jews to love them and turn the other cheek!

What was and is the Core Message of Jesus?

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Ryan Johnson

Ryan Johnson is dedicated to helping equip the Body of Christ to awaken the nations with a prophetic call of a rising Ekklesia. He is a son of God, husband, and father of four. Ryan is a prophetic voice devoted to the righteousness of Christ, seeking to release the demonstration of the Father’s Heart in regions, individuals, and the Church across the world.


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