Terence Chatmon - Do Your Children Believe?: Becoming Intentional About Your Family's Faith and Spiritual Legacy
Welcome to The Shaun Tabatt Show! Today I speak with Terence Chatmon about his new book Do Your Children Believe?: Becoming Intentional About Your Family's Faith and Spiritual Legacy (Thomas Nelson, 2017).
Here’s what you’ll learn in today’s interview:
The Terence Chatmon origin story (00:42 - 02:13) The story behind Do Your Children Believe? (02:14 - 06:35) Why do men struggle to take ownership of the spiritual leadership in their homes?(06:36 - 11:22) 10,000 foot fly over of what it looks like to create a family spiritual development plan (11:23 - 16:37) Are there any potential difficulties or challenges we need to be aware of as we're beginning this planning process? (16:38 - 24:38) How does a family begin living out their plan and keep it front and center in their life?(24:39 - 30:45) What does it look like to set realistic goals in relation to the life stage you're in and how can we establish a work, play, worship, family sort of life balance? (31:52 - 43:16) How will becoming a stronger spiritual leader at home impact our marriage? (43:17 - 46:20) What do you hope every reader takes away from the book? (46:21 - 49:55) Quick introduction to the work of Fellowship of Companies for Christ International (49:56 - 52:56)
About the Book:
Are your children ready to live out their faith in the real world? Most parents who value Christian faith want their children to enjoy a vibrant, growing relationship with God, both now and throughout their lives. But few of those parents ever attach this hope to an ongoing plan; therefore, they fail to lay a reliable spiritual track in front of the fast-moving train of family life. This book is a junction point where deep parental desire meets workable design and where timid inadequacy meets Christ’s sufficiency. It’s where individual families become multiplication factories, exerting a lasting impact not only on their coming generations but even on the culture at large. The death of Joshua and his contemporaries was barely old news in Israel before the people of God experienced a Judges 2:10 moment: “There arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done” (ESV). One generation is all it takes. One generation who stops remembering. One generation who stops creating. One generation blinded to God’s real work in their lives who then subtly quiets the expectation of His new work in succeeding generations.
Do Your Children Believe? appears at a time in history when another Judges 2:10 moment doesn’t sound so incredibly far-fetched—a day when many people’s only real knowledge of God comes from what they’ve heard and read about, not what they’ve actually seen and experienced, and when His work is more about the dutiful following of rules than the daily adventure of walking with Him as Lord. Imagine, instead, a generation of your family who knows God with intimate familiarity. Who doesn’t just pretend at faith but actually lives it. Kids who can tell you what they believe and why it matters. Teenagers who handle adversity with the resilient joy of godly wisdom. A family who prays together and worships together, growing into young adults who are equipped and inspired to keep this torch ablaze from the moment their own new families begin. This book is here to make that reality happen, written by an author equipped with not only a passion for the concept but also a proven plan for success—a wealth of first-hand personal stories from his wife and kids for how they’ve put this plan into living action with remarkable blessings in tow. When God puts His power behind families who embrace this kingdom call, on-the-ground change will result in off-the-charts revival. About the Author:
Terence Chatmon, a successful senior executive in corporate America, served in leadership roles with several Fortune 50 companies, including Johnson & Johnson, Citibank, and Coca-Cola, but he was failing to become the spiritual leader of his home. He was challenged by his wife to chart a course for the spiritual growth of his family and children. After much prayer, he took what he knew from his corporate-world success and biblical teaching to develop one of the world’s most transformational step-by-step family spiritual development process. Terence is now a family legacy champion, and his family discipleship workshop, Charting Your Family’s Spiritual Course, has reached more than twenty thousand participating families and continues to grow. He is the president and CEO of Fellowship of Companies for Christ International (FCCI.org), a network of executive leaders spanning more than one hundred countries. FCCI uses training conferences, personal relationships, and a rich library of resources to equip and encourage business leaders to see their companies and careers as powerful tools for transformational change. A Chicago native and graduate of the University of Illinois, Terence brings drive and ingenuity to every role he plays in life, as an elder at a prominent eight-thousand-member mega-church, a Bible study teacher, and most importantly a husband and father. Connect with Terence:
DoYourChildrenBelieve.com Fellowship of Companies for Christ International Facebook Twitter (@fcciorg)
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