Mark L. Ward, Jr. - Logos Bible Software 7
Welcome to The Shaun Tabatt Show! Mark L. Ward, Jr. returns to the show today to talk about Logos Bible Software 7.
Here's the ground we cover in today's interview:
Mark, even though we did our last interview a few months ago, I know you’re still going to be new to many of our listeners, so take a few minutes to share about your family, church, and education background. (00:33 - 02:33) What is the proper way to say Logos, is it Logos or Logos? (02:34 - 04:25) So your official title at Faithlife is Logos Pro, which sounds rather epic and exciting. Tell us what a day in the life looks like for you and how exactly does one goe about becoming a Logos Pro. Is there some sort of secret initiation or certification process? (04:26 - 07:32) As a Marketing Manager, my goal is always to help a potential customer understand how their story connects with the book or resource I’m promoting. I think it’d be helpful for the listeners to hear about some of your customers. Talk to us about a few of the different types of logos user you interact with on a daily basis and how the software makes a difference every day in their work and ministry. (07:33 - 10:57) What are some of the new features in Logos 7 (Concordance Tool, Sermon Editor, Multiview Resources, Text Comparison Tool, Courses Tool )? (10:58 - 25:42) Tell us about the Empty Tomb Interactive. (25:43 - 27:49) What’s new in the Logos iOS App? (27:50 - 32:12) Mark, I know some of our listeners will want to connect with you, so tell us about some of the places you hang out online. (32:13 - 34:04) Give us an update on how things are going with your book from Cruciform and tell us about any new books or projects that you have in the works. (34:05 - 37:56) If the listeners want to find out more about Logos Bible Software, where can they do that on the web? (37:57 - 39:25)
About Logos Bible Software 7:
Get Started Fast
Starting your study in Logos has never been easier. Jump right into your preferred workflow with customizable Quickstart Layouts. Or choose from hundreds of carefully designed learning plans included in the new Courses Tool. Each plan pulls together essential readings, media, and even Logos features on key topics. You can even take a seminary-level class with Mobile Ed courses included in our new base packages.
Write Your Sermon, and Everything Else Falls into Place
As you consult resources and write your sermon inside Logos, the new Sermon Editor automatically generates sermon slides and fully editable handouts based on your work. Add speaking prompts, Scripture, quotations, and more with smart editing and styling tools meticulously designed for sermon creation. You focus on solid Bible study and writing your sermon, we’ll give you a headstart on everything else.
One Verse. 2,000 Years of Theology.
Glean wisdom from the church’s greatest theologians without breaking the flow of your study. New sections in the Passage Guide take you straight to the most relevant sections in your theological resources. Now you can see how the passage you’re studying has shaped theological thought across the centuries. Discover Eye-Opening Patterns in the Text
You can customize Logos 7 to automatically highlight every time an original language word is repeated. Click, and watch as your Bible lights up with patterns hidden within the original languages, and identify key themes with just a glance.
Enter the World of the Bible
Logos 7 includes stunning media that brings the world and words of the Bible to new life. Explore a first-century tomb, browse Scripture with innovative, interactive visuals, see how New Testament writers used the Old Testament, and more About Mark L. Ward, Jr.:
Mark L. Ward, Jr. received his PhD in New Testament Interpretation from Bob Jones University in 2012; he now serves the church as a Logos Pro at Faithlife, writing weekly articles on Bible study at the Logos Talk Blog. He is the author of multiple high school Bible textbooks, including The Story of the Old Testament and Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption. Connect with Mark:
Facebook Twitter (@mlward) Logos Talk Blog Logos Pro Training
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