Jake McCandless - Spiritual Prepper: Tapping into Overlooked Prophecies to Prepare You for Doomsday
Welcome to The Shaun Tabatt Show! Today I speak with Jake McCandless about his new book Spiritual Prepper: Tapping into Overlooked Prophecies to Prepare You for Doomsday (WND Books, 2017).
Here's the ground we cover in this conversation:
First off Jake, since this is your first time on the show, let’s give the listeners a chance to get to know you you better. Tell us a bit of the Jake McCandless origin story. (00:41 - 04:10) Next let’s get into the story behind the book. You say that, this prophecy book is unlike most, as the prophecies you address focus on our spirituality, morality, and faith, not the environment, economy, or geopolitics. Talk to us about the catalyst or aha moment that got you started down the path of bringing this book to life. (04:11 - 09:17) What sorts of misperceptions do authors have as they’re starting out? (09:18 - 14:22) Talk to us about Prepping for Persecution. (14:23 -
18:25) Talk to us about Prepping in a Weakened Church. (18:26 - 23:41) Talk to us about Prepping against Shiny Things. (23:42 - 30:20) I was glad that you included a Spiritual Prepper’s Checklist at the end of each chapter. How would you like to see both individuals and study groups put that to use? (30:21 - 32:35) If I had the ability to beam you in front of every reader as they finish the last page of Spiritual Prepper, what challenge or parting word of encouragement would you want to share with each of them? (32:36 - 34:38) As you look back on the journey of writing Spiritual Prepper, what was the most significant truth or lesson you learned along the way? (34:39 - 36:51) Are there any tools, tips, or routines that you’d share with new and aspiring authors to help them to be successful? (36:52 - 44:04) Jake, if the listeners want to connect with you and find out more about Spiritual Prepper, where should they go on the web? (44:05 - 45:00)
About the Book: As the world appears to be spiraling out of control, Spiritual Prepper helps you focus your spirituality, morality, and faith in these troubled times. Religious liberty is under attack. Immorality is the standard. Christians are being persecuted. The church is struggling because it’s been getting solutions from the wrong places. We shouldn’t be surprised about these current conditions, but we are. Spiritual Prepper provides a fresh perspective on end-time prophecy by drawing out the spiritual effects of natural disasters, the Antichrist, the mark of the beast, topics like the spiritual implication of identifying with Christianity (2 Peter 3:3), and gravitating to messages you want to hear (2 Tim. 4:3-4). The biblical prophecies that explain these events and could help us cope have been overshadowed. Spiritual Prepper brings to light and makes relevant the forgotten prophecies that explain that men will take advantage of women (2 Tim. 3:6), Christians will quench the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Tim 3:1-5), believers will betray fellow believers (Matt. 24:3-13), and more. Spiritual Prepper is a guide to families and churches who need encouragement in the face of loved ones who have turned away from God and their faith. As the fallen word races towards the day of judgment, the time to be prepared spiritually is now. There will come a time when a spiritual disaster hits and we have to remain faithful. The goal is that you’d persevere and remain faithful. That on the day you see the Lord, you’d hear, “well done my good and faithful servant.” About the Author:
Jake McCandless is an author and former pastor who serves as the executive director and lead speaker for Prophecy Simplified. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Bible from Central Baptist College (2004) and an Advanced Masters of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2009). Much of his theological training has been in the field of eschatology. He has received numerous academic awards and recognitions in ministry, such as the Zondervan National Greek Award and the prestigious Yousef Costa Excellence in Preaching Award from Central Baptist College. He has spent the past eleven years as lead pastor of Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Mount Vernon, AR, and just recently made the difficult decision to step away from the pastorate to lead Prophecy Simplified. He spent seven years as a youth evangelist with Sold Out Ministries and has been involved on staff in churches since 1998. Jake is married to Amanda. She’s an elementary school teacher, but currently stays home with their two daughters, Andrea (2011) and Addison (2013). Jake enjoys time with family, ministry, hunting, fishing, coffee, writing, and college football. Connect with Jake:
ProphecySimplified.com Facebook Twitter (@soldoutJake)
For additional show notes, visit ShaunTabatt.com/149.