You Have Prophetic Solutions to the Crisis & Chaos Around You! (feat. Christy Johnston)

From the current global crisis to whatever circumstances you are facing in your personal life, the fact remains—we need supernatural help and solutions to overcome adversity and see the Kingdom of God advance.

Christy Johnston is a prophet and watchman intercessor who teaches everyday believers to receive prophetic prayer strategies so that you can STOP praying FOR power, and begin praying FROM power.

Get Christy's new book Releasing Prophetic Solutions: Praying Heaven's Promises Over Your Home, Family, and Nation.

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The Shaun Tabatt Show is part of the Destiny Image Podcast Network.

Shaun Tabatt

Shaun is the host and producer of The Shaun Tabatt Show. Shaun’s 1st loves are his faith, family, books, coffee, and running. By day he works for Nori Media Group as an Acquisitions and Marketing Publishing Executive. He also serves a select number of clients through his PR company, Cross Focused Media, LLC. Shaun and his wife are the proud parents of soon to be 10 AMAZING children.


Slay the Giant of Fear and Release the Roar of Breakthrough in Your Life (feat. Krissy Nelson)


How to Walk in Miracles Every Day (feat. Kynan Bridges)