Women Who Risk - Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World (feat. Tom & Joann Doyle)

Tom and Joann Doyle believe that women are a major reason why more Muslims than ever before are coming to faith in Christ.

Over the years they have discovered that once God sets a Muslim woman free, she becomes an unstoppable force for God. Their new book Women Who Risk: Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World takes readers into the intimacy of Muslim homes in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, and other hot spots to see the drama of Christ at work.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Women Who Risk: Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World

For additional show notes, visit ShaunTabatt.com/573.

The Shaun Tabatt Show is part of the Destiny Image Podcast Network.

Shaun Tabatt

Shaun is the host and producer of The Shaun Tabatt Show. Shaun’s 1st loves are his faith, family, books, coffee, and running. By day he works for Nori Media Group as an Acquisitions and Marketing Publishing Executive. He also serves a select number of clients through his PR company, Cross Focused Media, LLC. Shaun and his wife are the proud parents of soon to be 10 AMAZING children.


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