Trisha Frost - Experiencing the Father's Embrace Through Loss and Grief

Loss affects everyone and at some point everyone will walk through a type of major loss in their lives. It might be through the death of a loved one, or the ending of a relationship, or losing a job, etc.

The choices we make in how we deal with loss will have a direct impact on our path and journey in life. In the midst of their crisis, the last thing grieving people need is to be told how they should feel during their process or receive a shallow response to their deepest questions.
More than anything, during times of loss, people need to experience the loving embrace of their Heavenly Father. Trisha Frost transparently shares her own journey not just with the death of her husband, Jack, but with all the losses that surround losing someone so close to you in life. With tenderness and care, Trisha walks the reader through her path of grieving the losses. Her story and the stories of others’ losses will motivate you to not allow loss to dictate your destiny for the rest of your life and instead draw you into the loving embrace of Father God.
If you or someone you love has suffered loss, Experiencing the Father’s Embrace in Loss and Grief will be an indispensable resource and a deep comfort through the sorrow!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Connect with Trisha Frost:

The Shaun Tabatt Show is part of the Destiny Image Podcast Network.

Shaun Tabatt

Shaun is the host and producer of The Shaun Tabatt Show. Shaun’s 1st loves are his faith, family, books, coffee, and running. By day he works for Nori Media Group as an Acquisitions and Marketing Publishing Executive. He also serves a select number of clients through his PR company, Cross Focused Media, LLC. Shaun and his wife are the proud parents of soon to be 10 AMAZING children.


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