Reading Greek and Roman Mythology through Christian Eyes (feat. Louis Markos)

In the spirit of C. S. Lewis, whose own acceptance of Christ hinged on his understanding that Christ is the myth become fact, Louis Markos seeks to mine wisdom of eternal value from the great storehouses of Greco-Roman mythology and trace the links that bind those myths to the Bible and to the Christian life. And, as Lewis did, he seeks to help modern Christians reclaim myth as a vehicle of truth through which the presence of the Triune God can be discerned.

What makes the stories retold and analyzed in The Myth Made Fact of particular import is that they are foundational myths, ones meant to help us understand who we are, why we are here, and what our purpose and destiny are. They served that function for many generations of noble Greeks and Romans. When read through Christian eyes, they will do this and more, pointing us beyond the lustful and wrathful Olympian gods to the One Holy Creator who stands, like Aslan, at the back of all our stories.

Get your own copy of The Myth Made Fact: Reading Greek and Roman Mythology through Christian Eyes.

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The Shaun Tabatt Show is part of the Destiny Image Podcast Network.

Shaun Tabatt

Shaun is the host and producer of The Shaun Tabatt Show. Shaun’s 1st loves are his faith, family, books, coffee, and running. By day he works for Nori Media Group as an Acquisitions and Marketing Publishing Executive. He also serves a select number of clients through his PR company, Cross Focused Media, LLC. Shaun and his wife are the proud parents of soon to be 10 AMAZING children.


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