John Bombaro - The Resurrection Fact: Responding to Modern Critics
Welcome to The Shaun Tabatt Show! Today I speak with John Bombaro about his and Adam Francisco's new book The Resurrection Fact: Responding to Modern Critics.
Here's the ground we cover in this conversation:
First off John, since this is your first time on the show, let’s give the listeners a chance to get to know you you better. Take us into the John Bombaro origin story. (00:39 - 03:01) What was the journey like moving from Catholicism to Presbyterianism and eventually ending up Lutheran? (03:03 - 04:13) What area did you study for your PhD? (04:14 - 06:44) Next let’s get into the story behind the book. Was there a catalyst or an aha moment where you and Adam knew it was the right time to bring this book to life? (06:45 - 09:10) Tell us about a few of the contributors you and Adam partnered with for this project. (09:11 - 12:39) One thing that stands out about your book is that you’re bringing out both negations, things that Christianity is not and also positive affirmations of what Christianity actually is. Why was it important to include both in your book? (12:40 - 14:10) Give us a rundown of some of the critics and their specific criticisms you’re taking on in the book. (14:11 - 16:33) Your specific contribution to the book takes on John Dominic Crossans’ Antichrist. Explain a bit of the ground you cover there. (16:34 - 20:20) If I had the ability to beam you in front of every reader as they finished the last page of No The Resurrection Fact, what challenge or parting word of encouragement would you share with each of them? (20:21 - 21:35) John, if the listeners want to connect with you and find out more about The Resurrection Fact, where should they go on the web? (21:36 - 22:15)
About the Book:
As the team did with the book, Making the Case For Christianity (CPH), Drs. Bombaro and Francisco bring together a variety of contemporary Lutheran apologists to respond to a wide array of challenges to the heart of the Christian faith. Each chapter addresses a specific argument from a popular, non-Christian author and offers a clear and concise rebuttal and argument for the resurrection. The editors have found able representatives from the disciplines of biblical studies, history, philosophy, and the legal profession to write each chapter. The book is accessible, written for a broad audience, and is ultimately designed to equip its readers for the apologetics task. About the Author:
John Bombaro is senior pastor at Grace Luther Church, San Diego, and a chaplain with the United States Navy. He is a regular contributor to Modern Reformation and the author of Jonathan Edwards' Vision of Reality. For additional show notes, visit