Andrea di Meglio - Christ in You - The Voice
It's an honor to welcome my new friend Andrea di Meglio to the show to share his faith and film making journey.
About the Film:
The voice of God changes everything! This movie features a captivating exploration of the power of prophecy. It shows ordinary Christians, who set an example by partnering with the Holy Spirit and releasing God’s perspective wherever they go. Expect unbelievable stories and life-changing encounters with the love of God. Amazing interviews with some of the most outstanding leaders of today provide wisdom in navigating towards a prophetic lifestyle. They will inspire you to listen to the voice of God, to activate your prophetic gift and to take action on what He is saying. Embark on a journey of incredible adventure with a loving Father that will change your life forever! Interviews with Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Lisa Bevere, John Bevere, Graham Cooke, Bob Hazlett, Raniero Cantalamessa and more. About Andrea di Meglio:
Andrea is on pastoral staff within his local church, the Vineyard Bern, where he has been honored to serve since August 2012. He leads, coordinates and oversees several ministries related to the supernatural. He is passionate about and works tirelessly is to equip the body of Christ for a supernatural lifestyle all over the world. He is an author, filmmaker, leader and itinerant revivalist. He carries great value for local churches and participates in his whenever possible. Find out more: Facebook
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