Man Dies And Jesus Appears To Him As A Lion In Heaven!

Thom Gardner was more familiar than most with near-death experiences. Both his mother and grandmother had experienced an NDE.

Thom had even helped his friend Jim Woodford share his experience in a book titled Heaven, An Unexpected Journey. Thom was amazed when his own afterlife encounter took an unexpected turn and he encountered Jesus as a majestic white lion who told him that he was there to do battle for him. Watch to find out about Thom's miraculous healing and why he believes God sent him back.

Read more afterlife encounters in Randy Kay's and my new book Real Near Death Experience Stories: True Accounts of Those Who Died and Experienced Immortality.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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Real Near Death Experience Stories is part of the Destiny Image Podcast Network.

Randy Kay

Randy Kay, a CEO and strategic business leader, knows firsthand through his own near-death experience how God can transform suffering into joy and pain into purpose. His breakthrough research on thriving in life has spanned several decades, uncovering practical ways to overcome trials and attain God's purpose in your life. Randy and his wife Renee make their home in Carlsbad, California.


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Man Dies And Jesus Appears To Him As A Lion In Heaven!