Quantum Faith in the Last Days - Annette Capps

There are amazing similarities between the teachings of Jesus and the discoveries of quantum theory. The concept of speaking to mountains and trees may not be religious metaphor, but laws of a new physics that have not been fully understood.

In this podcast you will discover that your words and your faith are unseen forces that affect everything in your world.

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Alan DiDio

After experiencing a radical spiritual encounter at the age of seventeen, Alan DiDio was born again; instantly transforming him from a dogmatic atheist to a passionate follower of Jesus. Taught in a Word-Based Church he learned early on how to stand in faith. Not long after giving his life to Christ, Pastor Alan went off to Bible College and continued serving with a national ministry for twelve years and working on staff for nearly seven. In that time, he gained experience in every possible area of ministry from running an international prayer center to traveling across the country spreading the Gospel. Since then, he’s founded Encounter Christ Church in his hometown and taken the Gospel to nations such as Pakistan, Haiti, and Guatemala. “I’m a Preacher, a Provocateur, and at times an admitted Contrarian in the midst of a lovers’ quarrel with organized religion. Ultimately I love God, my Family & You.”


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