Your Next Leap Of Faith

In His Book, Your Next Leap of Faith Shanne Winnings teaches you how to Live Fearless in a World Dominated by Fear. And let me tell you, Shane shares from experience when it comes to stepping out in faith, or should I say leaping.  In the space of just nineteen days, Shane, a former Army Special Forces officer and police officer went from a public, six-figure career to an unpaid, full-time missionary position across the country. His story exploded across social media, and to this day he reaches millions each week with his audacious daily encouragement to be a light in a dark world.

Shane shows how hearing God's voice changes the trajectory of your entire life, Throughout the book, he infuses you with courage to cast off the world's crushing expectations and go all in for Christ.

A bonus for me was many of his stories shared take place in my old stomping grounds of WA State and the Pacific Northwest. You are going to be inspired and challenged by today’s podcast episode.

You can connect with Shane on every major social media network or on his website here:

You can purchase a copy of his book here using my Amazon affiliate link:

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Debbie Kitterman

Debbie Kitterman, is an author, speaker, and the founder of Dare 2 Hear, a ministry training individuals in hearing the voice of God.

She is also a licensed Foursquare pastor currently serving with her husband, Pastor John Kitterman, as Senior Pastors of Restoration Church in Lacey Washington. Debbie travels to churches internationally equipping the body of Christ.

Debbie is a breath of fresh air. She is a powerfully anointed woman of God, who ministers in the prophetic with a down-to-earth teaching style and a wonderful sense of humor. She has a true servant’s heart, and is called to teach a deeper understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ by working to train and equip others in how to hear the voice of God.


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