The Blessings Of Going From Faith To Faith

The Just shall live by Faith!

God is calling each of us in the months and years to come to go from faith to faith, confidence to confidence, belief to belief, and trust to trust. The Word of God promises that regardless of what happens on the earth, God will never leave nor forsake those that have been washed in the blood of Jesus. Put your faith in Him and do not waver! In this podcast, Dr. Caleb Cooper will release a powerful encouraging you to live by faith destroying the power of unbelief in the last days!

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Books by Caleb Cooper:

Caleb Cooper

Caleb Cooper is a young firebrand revivalist that operates in the Apostolic and Prophetic, believing God to change atmospheres and transform regions with revival and awakening. He ministers out of a heart that believes we are the generation that will see the coming of the Lord. Caleb Cooper received his Doctorate Degree in Biblical Studies from FountainGate School of Revival in Mesa, Arizona and has served as a Senior Pastor for over a decade. Caleb Cooper currently Pastors New Hope Revival Church in Truth Or Consequences, NM


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