Manifest the Healing Power of Jesus

Healing is an essential part of biblical teaching.

When we first started our ministry, we would pray for the sick. Many were responding differently to our prayers, especially when it came to praying for physical healing. Many came to ministry time with their own preconceived ideas and thoughts on the subject of healing. These ideas had been formed from a young age by their environment, culture, upbringing, and faith. These preconceived ideas and thoughts greatly influenced their healing by either opening a way for the Holy Spirit to work or completely blocking the way.

It's important to understand that there’s three different understandings of sickness and healing: Western mindsets, Eastern mindsets, and the Biblical Understanding. While I talk more about the Western and Eastern mindsets and how they can hinder healing in my book, Revealing the Healer, I want to release the biblical truth.

One key verse describes the biblical understanding of sickness and healing, and that’s Third John 1:2:

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (NKJV).

John greets his friend Gaius with a common Jewish blessing: “May you be prosperous and healthy,” in a holistic sense—inwardly, bodily, socially, and materially. This implies an interrelated understanding of human nature, based on the Hebraic worldview of peace or shalom, which is God’s holistic peace and prosperity, health and harmony experienced through the right relationship with God.

Beginning with Adam and Eve, we see throughout the Bible how a fractured relationship between God (who is the source), ourselves, each other, and creation led to the “curse,” which is the chaos of sin, sickness, demons, and death. We also see that a restored relationship (reconciliation) through the Messiah’s life, death, and resurrection breaks the curse and leads to forgiveness, healing, freedom, and eternal life. Shalom is God’s reign of holistic order and well-being, which is the opposite of disintegration and destruction.

Biblical Understanding of Sickness

A biblical understanding of human disease is disease—a lack of ease in the whole person. Sicknesses are disorders, the opposite of shalom, a disruption of God’s holistic harmony and relational well-being in the human being. Disease is a result of human sin, Adam’s original disobedience. The curse of death intruded and spread throughout all creation.

When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned (Romans 5:12 NLT).

As death is an intruder in God’s creation, so sickness is not natural to human beings. Sickness is the foretaste of and curse of death. It is at war with us and our world in a destructively holistic sense.

Biblical Understanding of Healing

Healing is the event or process of restoring wholeness to the whole person. Healing is God’s shalom, order, and well-being. The New Testament word for healing is “salvation,” which is God’s work in saving us and creation from sin, sickness, demons, and death. Such healing can only come to us, both immediately and ultimately, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. That’s why we speak of divine healing and not faith healing.

For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ (2 Corinthians 5:19-21 NLT).

It is very crucial that we are grounded in this biblical understanding. We have been made right with God, and sin has been atoned for. The price for our salvation, freedom, and healing has been paid in full. We freely receive it; however, this reconciliation has been extremely costly—it cost God His only beloved Son. Our core message is the ministry of reconciliation. When the Holy Spirit connects with our spirit, we get saved. When the Holy Spirit connects with our soul, we get delivered, and when the Holy Spirit connects with our body, we get healed.

As a result, we become Christ’s ambassadors. God is making His appeal through us. We speak for Christ, the one who saves, heals, and delivers. He has paid the price for the whole person and is interested in our physical condition as well as our spiritual condition. He doesn’t require us to perform certain acts to receive our healing or punish us for lack of performance. He is not upset with us; rather, He loves us like He loves His dear Son Jesus and is willing to give us all things (Romans 8:32).

Twice yearly, our team ministers in a national festival called MBS, which stands for Mind, Body, and Spirit. Many exhibitors from different faith groups such as Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, and new age set up their stalls to sell products and offer different services. At the back of the hall, we find all the spirit mediums, the tarot card readers, and the palm readers. The line-up is massive, and they charge a substantial amount of money. We have been going to this dark place for many years now. We go to share God’s unconditional love and truth. Many are reconciled to the Lord, and it is glorious to see them saved, healed, and delivered.

On one occasion, I had a very sick lady walk into our stand. Due to her understanding of karma, she had done many wrong things, and, as a result, karma was coming back at her. She said, “I am full of negative energy and for me to get healed, I must release the negative energy and replace it with positive energy.”

I asked her a tough question. I said, “How do you release the negative energy?”

She mentioned that she needs to go and visit an energy healer to release this energy. I had the honor of explaining to her the biblical understanding of sickness and healing. I explained to her that the wages of sin is eternal death, and that sickness is a result of sin. “For God made Jesus, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we can be made right with God, and that when we connect with Him, we receive forgiveness of sin, healing of disease, freedom from evil spirits, and eternal life.”

She was full of joy and decided to receive Jesus. She was saved, healed, and delivered.

Yvon Attia

Yvon Attia is an ordained minister, author, and a speaker who preaches the Word of God with the power of the Holy Spirit and manifestation of His presence. Yvon is currently completing her doctoral studies in ministry and is currently teaching at the University of the Supernatural in Miami. Yvon and her husband, Mina, broadcast a weekly Christian Arabic program about divine healing that reaches millions of people.


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