Discerning Prophetic Symbols in the Stars
Just like the mobile over a baby’s crib, space has always captured the human imagination.
That’s the point. King Jesus created the stars, planets, and heavens above to grab our attention and arouse our curiosity. They speak to us, don’t they? Yes, The Word is the master communicator who spoke every star, planet, solar system and galaxy into just the right place to tell a story–His story–to generations and generations of people right here on what the Bible calls “the firmament.” This, my friend, is where the revelation truly begins.
Laying the Groundwork
The Bible has plenty to say about foundations and building upon the rock. In fact, that’s what most thinking people would tell you the word firmament means—a bunch of rocks. They would say the firmament is the firm ground beneath our feet, as opposed to oceans, seas, and heavens. That’s because they only consider Genesis 1:6. Let’s keep reading and look at firmament in context of God’s Word:
“Then God said, ‘Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.’ Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day.”
BOOM! Right there we find the firmament is not only on Earth in the midst of the waters, but also in the heavens. What does that mean? It’s a word on our outlook, frame of reference, and point of view. Firmament literally means “from our perspective on earth” or how humans view the universe from this floating rock we call planet Earth.
Think about it. Our solar system has been uniquely and carefully placed to give us a vantage point to see “out” of our galaxy and observe the universe with a breathtakingly clear view of other galaxies and amazing phenomena. The Word who later became flesh and dwelt among us created the universe to be seen and understood from our perspective. While that is incredible in itself, it is also deeply personal. Why would God Almighty care how we view the cosmos? Because He wants us to see Him in it and hear His voice. He wants us to see His hand of goodness at work. He is speaking a great big story of love, loss, and redemption for those curious enough to wonder “where do I fit in among all this grand design?”
“Then God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth’; and it was so.”
The firmament is set so we can observe and understand the signs and seasons, or times. How do I know Earth is uniquely placed on an outer arm of a spiral galaxy in a position to discern the hand- writing of God on the walls of Heaven? There are at least four examples I can give you of galactic wonders that are only wonders from where you and I stand here on the third rock from the Sun.
Example 1: The Analemma
Because of Earth’s exact 23.5 degree tilt and its slightly elliptical orbit, the Sun makes a figure-eight pattern in the sky called the analemma over the course of a year. If you were to take a photograph from the same exact location at the same exact time every day for a year and overlap the images, you would see something so perfect and constant, it could not be accidental or random chance—a remnant from a giant cosmic explosion.
In God’s mathematical lingo, the number eight is all about new beginnings and the Word says God’s mercies are new every morning! Lay that eight on its side and God is speaking a great big word on His eternal nature and Godhead.
“For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.’”
There you have it. Everything is perfectly set in place for you and I to see the promise of the number eight in the analemma. Astronomers say the chances of this phenomenon being seen from anywhere else in the universe are impossible.
Example 2: Polaris, the North Star
Polaris is not the brightest star in the heavens, but it is the center of our “universe” as it is seen as fixed in the sky. It never moves from our perspective. All other heavenly bodies revolve around it (Colossians 1:17). Prophetically, it represents Jesus Himself who was not the tallest, most handsome guy around, but He is the center of all things.
“For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see Him, There is no beauty that we should desire Him.”
In the tail of the “Little Bear” Ursa Minor, aka the Little Dipper, Polaris is actually a triple star, which speaks a word on the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Because Polaris is the 50th-brightest star in the heavens, God’s prophetic number for jubilee fulfilled, you and I have to be looking for Polaris to find it—just like Jesus said to seek Him and you will find Him. Like the North Star, if you find Jesus, you will never be lost again because according to Isaiah 14:13, 40:22, and Psalm89:11-12, the North is the location of God’s throne. It’s literally the way home!
While that is all crazy cool information, what’s real is this is only possible from our unique perspective on Earth.
Example 3: The Whirlpool Galaxy
At 23.16 light-years from Earth, the Whirlpool Galaxy is one of our closest neighbors. It is also known as Messier 51. Named after the man who discovered it, Messier means “Harvest Master” in French. So, what is the big deal about the Whirlpool Galaxy and why is it sitting like giant stop sign in space from our firmament? What does God want us to see?
Well, doing exactly like I would if I had a giant radio telescope, astronomers pointed that instrument directly at the center of the Whirlpool Galaxy and what did they find?
The scientific community calls this “The X-Structure” but to any drop-dead, sold-out Jesus freak, it looks like a cross. By the way, “X” stands for “cristos” or “Christ” in Greek—the Lord of the Harvest (Matthew 9:38; Luke 10:2). The redemption of mankind was literally written in the stars above just waiting for us to discover it.
Example 4: Eclipses
This will blow your mind. Mathematically, Earth is the only place in the universe a full solar and lunar eclipse is possible. Why? The sun is exactly 400 times larger than the moon and exactly 400 times farther away from our planet. This makes them appear to be the same size from our firmament. In a solar eclipse where the Sun is blotted out, the Moon moves between the Earth and Sun. In a lunar eclipse where the moon turns dark or red, the Earth comes between the Sun and Moon, causing the Earth’s shadow to create a perfect “blackout” from our perspective. According to astronomers, the odds that this is possible in other planetary systems are astronomical.
So, it’s very true that perspective is everything! God Almighty has proven His sovereignty through the mathematical precision needed to make these amazing heavenly happenings possible for us to see day after day, night after night. Now that we have set the stage, so to speak, let’s consider the story itself—and it’s epic!
The Drama Begins
The story in the stars is written in three acts. First, we have to understand that God is going to make and keep an impossible promise: redemption for the sin of all mankind for all time.
Act One
Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Together, these four signs represent the period of the Old Testament right up to the cross and resurrection of Christ. We learn the body of Christ, the Church, will receive power and act as His ambassadors on Earth.
Act Two (The Sea)
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
These four “water signs” represent the period of time between the ascension of Jesus into Heaven in the book of Acts until the rapture of the Church in Revelation chapter four. We learn Jesus Christ will come back again and bring His people back to Jerusalem, Israel, to rule and reign over all nations.
Act Three
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo
Representing the return of Jesus Christ, these four signs cover the time period from Revelation chapter 23 into eternity future. This is the part of your Bible which starts with Jesus coming back to whoop up on His enemies, triumph over evil, set up a new Kingdom on Earth where He can “tabernacle” with man- kind and we live with Him for millennia.
In short, Act one is before the resurrection of Jesus. Act two is after the resurrection of Jesus and Act three is after the return of Jesus, or the prophesied “Second Coming.”
Before the Bible was written in the form of a book, it was written in the stars. God programmed human beings in ancient days to look up and recognize the patterns in the heavens as prophetic images revealing His heart and how He would carry out His plan through a Messiah/Redeemer.
God named all the stars and to this day, they have ancient Arabic and Hebrew names. The names of the stars give the detail, a lot like adding bullet points to an idea or headline to a news article.
A sign is a constellation the Sun passes through. There are 12 major signs and 36 minor constellations which support the 12 and bring depth to the story. Every month, a new prophetic sign rises above the horizon. At the end of the year the entire story has been told. It is a progressive revelation that begins with Virgo the Virgin and ends with Leo, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, coming back the same way the Bible describes in Revelation. The story is the same as the Bible because the Author of the Bible and the Creator of the universe is the same person.
We are not talking about the Zodiac, which witches and New Age mystics have used to deceive and control millions of people. The revelation of the story of Jesus being written in the stars before it was written in the heavens is well known and documented in scripture (the Mazzaroth) as well as in Jewish culture. Ancient star names support this universal telling of the story, and the Egyptian sphinx also testifies to the reality of the “book of the heavens.” This book takes back what the enemy has stolen and twisted so this final generation will see the truth of Jesus in the night sky.
The key to understanding the revelation of Looking Up lies in the firmament. While many believe this means “firm or solid ground,” the firmament actually means “from our perspective on earth.” All of the universe was created to be seen and understood from our vantage point on Earth. This points to a very loving God who wants to communicate a story—His story—to His creation across the world and for all time.