Tear Down the Strongholds of Religion

There is a unified voice in the body of Christ denouncing, rebuking, and tearing down the strongholds of religion.

When we say “religion,” I suppose most immediately think we are referring to a classical liturgical style of church, but what we mean is completely the opposite. The spirit of religion has crept into the Spirit-filled church.

The descendants of “holy rollers” are too prideful for or embarrassed by uninhibited worship. A revival birthed from Quakers and shakers has now grown up and polished its image. The modern Pentecostal church has grown up and is too professional for a true move of God—the kind where we yield to Him and care more about what pleases God than what looks good on social media.

We were known for being slain in the Spirit, speaking in tongues, rolling on the floor, being caught up in the joy of the Lord evidenced by holy laughter. We danced, ran aisles, ran the back of pews, and so much more. Prayer cloths and oil vials were the standard weapons of our warfare at home. We prayed for the sick before we called the doctor, we rebuked devils and spirits, we believed in the word of faith and the power of the spoken word.

“Does it really take all of that?”

I would answer and say it’s an absolute yes for me! It takes all of that and whatever God wants to add to the mix! What if God has more than what you’ve already experienced? What if there’s more than what you heard and experienced? How can any one of us say, “This is all God has” or “This is the only way God manifests His Spirit”? Such mindsets and statements challenge the sovereignty of God!

We, the modern church, would not be here today enjoying the blessing, the heritage, the real estate, and so much more that we have today had it not been for those praying saints who weren’t ashamed of getting lost in the spirit and kept their spirits open to the wind of the Spirit!

We hinder revival when we forget that the things of the Spirit are only understood in faith. They are not a science. They are not understood through the wisdom and methods of man. Only by faith can the things of the Spirit be received and understood.

I spend more time debating the moves and manifestations of God with Spirit-filled believers than I do even nonbelievers. Does God really heal? Do people really get slain in the Spirit? Why are they laughing? Why are they speaking in tongues? Why are they so militant when they pray? Do you have to dance like that? Those are questions asked by the Spirit-filled, and quite frankly they leave me saddened.

My posture has always been to be open to every move of God. I don’t keep God in a box of what I think He can or can’t do—nor what I think He should or shouldn’t do. Who are we to question the ways God manifests His power in His people?

When you think of all the years of tears, sorrow, and grief, wouldn’t it makes sense that “joy unspeakable and full of glory” would come with laughter and happiness? If a small bolt of electricity could knock us off our feet, wouldn’t the power of God be able to do that and more?

Do not allow the spirit of religion to turn you off to what God is doing. It may be new to you, but that isn’t reason enough to not open yourself up to the moves of God. If our fore- fathers would have taken that posture, there would have never been a Topeka, Kansas, or Azusa Street revival.

A valid concern is discerning what is God and what isn’t. Those filled with the Spirit will be led by the Spirit. The same Spirit that causes us to prophesy also gives us discernment. The Scripture admonishes us to try the spirits.

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world (1 John 4:1).

When teaching and counseling on the things of God, my position to those who come to me has always been the following: If I can give you Bible evidence for why we teach or respond in the manner we do, you must consider it. Take the Bible examples and pray to the Lord for confirmation. In that same manner, if I ever teach something or respond in a manner I can’t back with the Word, run and never look back toward me!

There’s a generation that rose up and turned their back on the Holy Spirit. They were embarrassed by manifestations of God because someone polluted the well. There was someone

who dabbled in sensationalism, and rather than clean up the pollution of the well people decided to cap off the well altogether. But God has raised me up and He’s raised you up in this generation to say there are wells of truth. There are wells of truth of prosperity. There are wells of truth in the Word of faith. There are wells of truth in Pentecost that cannot be capped any longer, and God has called us to re-dig

those wells, open those wells so the waters of truth will flow. They’ll no longer be wells but turn into streams and flow freely in the body of Christ. Our children will know the power of Pentecost, the power of the Word of faith, that generosity and prosperity and abundance is real and that if you’ll yield to the Holy Ghost, God will send revival.

We are well aware of false prophets, abuses, and exaggerations that have taken place throughout the years. These are not new problems; they’ve been happening in the church since the eighth chapter of the book of Acts when Simon the sorcerer wanted to buy the ability of “giving the baptism” of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands. Corruption has always been around—just ask Jesus about His disciple Judas.

But it concerns me that rather than address the excess or fix bad teaching, we seem to have capped off streams of truth.

The well of prosperity was polluted by a few with their excess.

The well of Pentecost was polluted by a few with their showmanship.

The well of healing was polluted by a few snake-oil salesmen.

The well of joy was polluted by a few who were off the hinges.

The well of faith was polluted by a few who exaggerated.

Does that negate the truth of each of these wells from heaven? Absolutely not!

The response of the church should be to correct where correction is needed without abandoning the wells of revival and blessing. I still believe the people of God should prosper; how else shall the Gospel be financed? I will believe in Pentecost! I still believe in the baptism of joy! Why should Christians walk around depressed and beaten down all the time? I believe in healing! I believe in faith! We must pass down these truths to future generations and not allow religion to rob us of the fullness of God’s treasure trove.

I’m tired of the holy wars. Church trouble will cause people to turn their back on

revival. Religious fighting—denominations fighting against other denominations. God has no use for it. When the enemy could no longer use the vices of the world to afflict us, he fanned the flames of religion. He really doesn’t care what causes us to stumble and divide as long as we don’t live to our potential. Church, I don’t want to be a part of it anymore. Religious politics are as wicked as national politics. We need accountability, we need structure, we need leadership, but we do not need any more bureaucracy. The body of Christ is a monarchy with one King and of His government there shall be no end!

The spirit of religion will always point out the problems of the church. It will cause people to say, “No, God’s not here. How can He be here when there’s racial tension? How can He be here when there’s political strife? How can He be here when there’s infirmity?”

We push back on that spirit by speaking truth! The truth is there’s nothing that the church is dealing with right now that we haven’t had to deal with before. As I’ve written about before, the book of Acts is full of scandal, corruption, racism, lying, murder, leadership struggles, and more, but every chapter is filled with revival! Signs, miracles, wonders, water baptism, Holy Ghost in-fillings.

I come to you by the authority of the name of God. Don’t let a little church trouble or a little disagreement stop you from stepping into the river of revival. Don’t let some bitterness or some strife get in you and stop you from getting what God has for you. Don’t allow fear to prevent you from being open to things God has for you that might be new to you! This is the day that we have been dreaming for and longing for, RevivalMakers!

Tony Suarez

Tony Suarez is the founder of Revivalmakers, a spirit-filled evangelistic ministry that travels from church to church as well as hosts events, tent revivals, healing services, and crusades around the world. A third-generation Pentecostal preacher, Tony’s greatest passion in life is preaching and teaching about Jesus and watching God save and heal. He is a regular host and guest on TBN and the Victory Channel. His preaching ministry and program Revivalmakers can be found daily on various Christian outlets. In addition to his ministry work, Tony serves as the Chief Operating Officer of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), the nation’s largest Hispanic Christian organization, serving more than 40,000 congregations in the United States as well as thousands of churches abroad. Through his role as COO, Pastor Tony regularly meets with members of Congress, the White House, and speaks at events to advance the cause of righteousness, life, and religious liberty. Tony and his wife, Jina, along with their five children, reside in Tennessee. 


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