Azusa Deliverance: 10-Year-Old Boy Freed From Multiple Demons!

Sister Laura Langtroff, at age 16, became part of the Azusa Revival when her friend, Sister Lucille, invited her to attend a meeting.

She moved to Pisgah in 1955, and I met her when she was in her 70s. She stood about 5’ 7” tall and had long, dark hair which she kept up in a glory bun. Sister Laura was from a very well-to-do family and was wealthy in her own right. However, she chose to live at Pisgah with her Azusa friends.

Sister Laura told me that she went to the meeting every night, and she participated in at least three or four miracles each night. One very memorable miracle concerned a little boy, about 10 years old, who was possessed by demons. His family kept him strapped down in a wheelchair because he was very violent and hard to control. The poor child would hiss and foam at the mouth; it was pitiful. Sister Laura got excited. “This is going to be fun!” she said. She began talking to the demon, until somebody finally rebuked her. “Laura, you need to do what you’re supposed to do. Stop playing.” She quickly grabbed the boy by his head and took authority, commanding the demon to come out! The demon said it would come out, and it did.

Unfortunately, the boy did not get better. Laura realized he was possessed by multiple demons. She spent the next hour casting out one demon after another, until nothing came out of the boy’s mouth. She asked the boy his name and if he was free of demons. He told her his name and said that, yes, he was free. Sister Laura explained to the boy that his house was clean, but those demons will come back with seven times more just like them or worse. She laid hands on him, prayed, and commanded him to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He started speaking in tongues. Glory to God!

One of the most amazing miracles Sister Laura was thrilled to be part of involved a woman who came to a meeting carrying a staff. She looked like a skeleton and could barely breathe; she was dying of lung cancer. She lived about two miles from the Azusa mission. She started walking there at three o’clock in the afternoon, but didn’t arrive until six in the evening. She literally took one baby step at a time, placing the staff in front of her, then scooting her feet up to it. She repeated this slow process for three hours until she got to the revival. At the time, a service wasn’t going on in the church, but someone was always there. And God was always moving.

She entered the warehouse and looked around, her eyes landing on Sister Laura. “That’s the woman I want to pray for me,” she said. After Sister Laura asked her what she could do for her, the lady replied, “I won’t live through the night if God doesn’t heal me; I’ll die. Doctors say my lungs are ate up with cancer, and I can hardly breathe. I’ve been losing weight for about a year.” The feeble woman was about 5’ 6” tall and weighed 65 pounds. She was skin and bones. Sister Laura laid hands on her and prayed for her. Immediately, she started breathing normally! For the next three hours, she gained 40 pounds while basking in the Shekinah Glory. She ate nothing. She yelled, “My lungs are not hurting; I can breathe like when I was young!”

Talk about a celebration! Sister Laura was a shouter. In her excitement while praising God, her glory bun shook loose and hairpins went flying. But the story just gets better.

The next day, the lady visited her doctor, Thomas Wyatt. He did not recognize her at all. When she told him who she was, he could not believe his eyes. He ran some tests and pronounced her cancer-free. He told her it was impossible for her to gain that much weight back in a few days. She said yes it was impossible for her to do that, but God sure could. “You’re going down to that warehouse, aren’t you?” he asked. He had been losing all his patients to Azusa Street! It was about to shut down his clinic. After confirmation that she was, he started attending meetings at Azusa Street with her. In a few months, he had given up his traditional doctor’s practice. Dr. Wyatt founded “Wings of Healing” and witnessed many miracles through his ministry. Now, hold on! The story gets even better!

In 2007, after the release of my first book, I received a phone call from a lady. She proceeded to tell me that the lady who walked to Azusa with the staff was her grandmother. I was amazed! She continued, “We used to ask my grandmother to sit down at our dinners and tell us about her miracle at Azusa Street. Some people are trying to say that Dr. Wyatt wasn’t really at Azusa. People are trying to discredit the story. Don’t let them kid you, Tommy. Don’t believe them.” Crying, she said, “My married name is Wyatt, I married Dr. Thomas Wyatt’s grandson. Thomas Wyatt was my grandmother’s doctor.” How about that! Came full circle. What an ending to that story!

Brother and Sister Lankford

When I was at Pisgah, I had the privilege of getting to know Brother and Sister Lankford. I would enjoy strawberry ice cream with them while they told me some amazing miracles that happened at the mission. The Lankfords were always thrilled to be used by God to bring about healings and miracles. At Azusa, they were 20 and 18 years old. Brother Lankford told me about a man whose fingers were caught in a machine at work. It ripped off two fingers! The man had heard that unbelievable miracles had been taking place at a warehouse on Azusa Street. In pain and with the expectation of being healed, he came to the mission. Upon entering, he encountered Brother and Sister Lankford.

Inquiring about how they could pray for him, the man explained what had happened. “Let’s ask God to grow them out,” said Brother Lankford. He grabbed the man’s hand and held it high in the air; Sister Lankford helped by holding up the man’s arm. As Brother Lankford began to pray, the man’s fingers began to grow out! Even his fingernails grew in. Sister Lankford fainted at the sight of such a miracle. He and the man started rejoicing and showing everyone what happened. “These weren’t here before. Look, God grew these fingers out!”

Brother Lankford went on to tell about a man with a horrible tumor on his spine. The outline of the tumor showed underneath the man’s shirt. It stood out three inches, and was about a foot long and four inches wide. The man was middle-aged and had the affliction for around three years. He was scheduled for x-rays the next day to determine what the tumor was. Brother Lankford prayed for his healing; the tumor sank into the man’s body and disappeared. The man was totally healed!”

Tommy Welchel

Tommy Welchel was a leading historian on revival, known as “the last living link” to the Azusa Street Revival. As a young man, he lived with the saints who attended that incredible outpouring. For six years, they shared the stories of God’s miracles with him. He told those stories around the globe, and miracles follow! He graduated to glory in 2022.


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