Prophetic Dream: A Divine Proposal to Carry Great Glory

For the last two years, God has been revealing to me that an Isaiah 60 moment is at hand for the Body of Christ. 

Arise, shine; For you light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.” (Isaiah 60 1:3)

Upon receiving this word from the Holy Spirit, I began to pray into this Scripture asking the Lord to confirm what He was sharing with me about the coming glory.  As I began to seek God for greater understanding, He took into a dream that confirmed His intentions.  I believe we are stepping into the fulfillment of that dream now.

As I went to sleep in September of last year, 2021, I had a dream in which I was observing my wife, Miriam. I noticed that a huge gold ring with Hebrew letters had been placed on her wedding finger. As I looked at the ring, the Holy Spirit gave me the understanding of what the Hebraic word meant and immediately I knew in my spirit that word meant Kabod which means “glory” in Hebrew.

The Holy Spirit began to speak to me that He is making a divine proposal to His bride to be carriers of His glory. Upon waking from the dream, I went to look up the Hebrew word that I saw in my dream and sure enough it was the word, Kabod

God began to show me that the remedy for the darkness that is covering our nation is God’s glory shining brightly upon His people. The Holy Spirit began to reveal that a divine proposal is being made now to whoever will answer the call. This is not reserved for pulpit preachers only, but to the entire Bride of Christ.  For those who respond to this proposal, they will begin to carry His manifest presence which will bring entire regions into repentance and revival. 

The same hovering glory that rested on the Apostle Peter in Acts chapter 5, which resulted in miraculous healings as he walked down streets, will begin to hover over those have accepted the proposal.

Those who say yes to this proposal will begin to see through their own lives a mass harvest of souls, unprecedented miracles, and mighty Holy Spirit outpourings that will result in the greatest revival that earth has ever seen. The Holy Spirit continues to show me that this coming revival of glory will eclipse every great revival in history and that we are truly approaching the threshold of the prophetic promise in Habakkuk 2:14 that says “that the glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.”

Tommy Evans

Tommy Evans is a revivalist who burns to see revival fires spread throughout the earth. Tommy travels locally, nationally and internationally holding revival gatherings, miracle services and supernatural school intensives. Tommy and his wife Miriam, are the founders of Revival Mandate International whose mission is to see Jesus glorified through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Tommy and Miriam have co-authored a new book, “Decrees that Unlock Heavens Power for Miracles.” They have made guest appearances on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, The Resting Place and the Jim Bakker Show. Both Miriam and Tommy are members of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders with Generals International.

Tommy, Miriam and their 5 children live in the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas area.


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