Gift of Prophecy: 12 Decrees that Activate This Prophetic Gift

Prophesy According to Your Measure of Authority

What God Says

But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3 NKJV).

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing (1 Corinthians 13:2 NKJV).

Today’s Insight

Learning to administer the prophetic properly is extremely important to the Holy Spirit. We must come to understand that prophecy does not just entail speaking God’s mind, but also includes speaking His heart. Because of this, when one prophesies, they should always minister prophetically in a way that honors the Lord and His people through operating in the way of love. There have been many instances when I have witnessed others giving a prophetic word to someone because they wanted to sound prophetic, even at the expense of the person’s dignity who was receiving it. This must not be! This is not the Lord!

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing (1 Corinthians 13:2 NKJV).

When prophesying as a New Testament believer, we would like to suggest here that there are parameters for administering prophecy in a way that brings honor to the Lord and His people. For instance, learning to prophesy according to one’s level of authority would be one of those parameters. A good question to ask ourselves as we move forward in activating the gift of prophecy would be, “What level of authority do I have with the person or group I am ministering to?”

While ministering around the world to many churches, it has been our experience that one of the biggest fears of most pastors and/or ministry leaders (as it pertains to the prophetic gift) is that there are always prophetic people who want to prophesy beyond their realm of authority. Keep in mind that in the Kingdom of God, authority will always flow from responsibility. Our level of authority in a person’s life, group, or church will always determine our true level of authority. For instance, if I receive a prophecy for someone who is a friend, I will present the revelation I have received as a friend. In addition, if I receive a prophecy for someone who is an authority in my life, I will present that word humbly, entreating them as an elder. Again, if I receive a word for someone for whom I have a sense of responsibility as a pastor or leader, I will present accordingly.

But we will not boast of things without our measure, but according to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you (2 Corinthians 10:13 KJV).

If one doesn’t carry any responsibility in a local congregation, group, or a person’s life, they really don’t have any authority in that space to release a prophetic word. I don’t say this to discourage anyone from using the prophetic gift; however, I say this simply so that those who are moving in the prophetic gift will be discerning as it pertains to where they do have authority and where they do not. We want to add here that we believe it is extremely important to be a part of a local church family! We are not called to be lone ranger prophets who are not submitted anywhere. God has called us all to be part of a family of believers to lift each other up and advance the Kingdom of God together! Yay God!

Furthermore, as we steward the current measure of responsibility within our local congregation and God-given spheres of influence, God will always make a way for us to grow and bring honor to His name in that space, utilizing the gifts that He bestows upon us. Now, let’s activate these truths by speaking these decrees over our lives.


1 Corinthians 13:2, 1 Corinthians 14:3, Corinthians 10:13

  • “I recognize that God has given me the local church to use the gifts that He has given me so others are encouraged and Jesus is glorified.”

  • “I say that I can discern my God-given spheres of influence and I act quickly when the Holy Spirit comes upon me to release His prophetic word.”

  • “I declare that I steward well every area of responsibility the Lord gives me.”

  • “I decree that I prophesy according to my level of authority within my local church family as well as the sphere of influence the Lord has given me.”

  • “I will continue to grow in the prophetic gift because the Lord is resting upon me and is within me.”

  • “The Holy Spirit has permission to release His heart through me at any time or at any place.”

Daily Risk

Take a class or training to be a part of your local church’s ministry team. If you have already done so, ask the Lord to give you a prophetic word for the church and go and submit to your leader or pastor. Remember, the prophetic word must always be to encourage, to comfort, or to draw near.


Lord, thank You that You have given me a local family to call home. Show me, Holy Spirit, how I can glorify You with the gift of prophecy amongst my brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen.

Prophesy According to Your Level of Revelation

What God Says

But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own inter- pretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God (2 Peter 1:20- 21 NASB).

Today’s Insight

As we begin to grow in the gift of prophecy, we must learn to always prophesy according to our level of revelation. Now, remember that revelation is divine knowledge God reveals to us that we could not know unless God revealed it to us. It is hidden knowledge that God gives to us for a person, group, organization, or nation. So this being said, as it pertains to prophecy, there are two dimensions of revelation that are categorized as higher and lower revelation. For example, when one receives revelation via a mental or spiritual impression, perception, gentle still small voice, or internal vision, we would consider any of these as a lower form of revelation. Not that any of these ways are less significant, they are just a lower form that tends to be more subjective. Then there are the higher forms of revelation, which would include but are not limited to open visions, angelic visitations, visitations of the Lord, vivid dreams, trances, being caught up in the Spirit, or other prophetic experiences. Higher forms of revelation tend to be much less subjective and much more objective. This would make them higher for that reason.

In addition, when we prophesy or present a word as coming from a higher level of revelation than we actually received, it can be very misleading to those to whom we are ministering. A good rule of thumb would be to present the word or prophecy in the way in which you received it. For instance, if you had a dream then present it as such. If you have an impression or spiritual thought that comes to your mind, present it as such. Prophetic integrity is extremely crucial! Let’s decide today to be real and authentic as we dive into the deep waters of our prophetic gift. Now let’s activate the truth of God’s Word by speaking these decrees over our life.


1 Peter 1:20, Romans 12:6, Galatians 1:8, 1 Corinthians 14:3

  • “I decree that when I receive revelation from God, I will release a prophecy according to the level of revelation in which I received it.”

  • “I have dreams, visions, and encounters with God that download specific information to me for others so they will be encouraged and propelled into their God-given destiny.”

  • “When I have a spiritual thought for someone, I share it with them knowing that God will confirm His word and draw them closer to His side.”

  • “I declare that as I prophesy, love is released and God’s Kingdom is advanced into the heart of those who hear it.”

  • “I decree that I will always prophesy according to my level of revelation.”

  • “I declare that as I prophesy, God releases extraordinary grace to the hearer that empowers them to step into all that God has promised.”

Daily Risk

Ask God to give you a dream that would contain revelation within it that would be an encouragement to someone. Go share what God has shown you concerning the person that He has revealed to you. Note: Keep in mind that if you dream something negative about an individual, ask God to give you the solution or encouragement to release to that person. Do not release the negative that you may have dreamt about. Remember that God may reveal something negative so you can prophesy His solution to change the trajectory for that individual. God calls those things that are not as though they were (Romans 4:17).


Father, I give You permission to give me dreams, visions, and encounters for others so that Jesus may be glorified in and through my life. Help me, Holy Spirit, to properly interpret and release Your heart to the world around me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tommy & Miriam Evans

Tommy and Miriam Evans are revivalists dedicated to spreading global revival. They lead gatherings, miracle services, and supernatural school intensives. Founders of Revival Mandate International, they aim to glorify Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Authors of Decrees That Unlock Heaven’s Power and more, they’ve appeared on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural and Encounter Today. Both are members of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders with Generals International.


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