An Angel Visited Me Holding an Ancient Book

An angel came to Miriam Evans holding an ancient book...

▶▶Get your copy of Decrees That Unlock Heaven’s Power [e-book]:

These declarations move the Heart of Heaven!

When Jesus returns will He find faith? Let your answer be a resounding “Yes!”

In Decrees that Unlock Heaven’s Power, Tommy and Miriam Evans empower each one of us to confidently declare the truth of God’s Word.

Yes, these 40 powerful prayers and declarations are your daily bread. But they are much more! They release Heaven to move in the miraculous! And they are a constant companion for anyone who needs God’s healing touch or strength during a season of transition.

Let your life be from Glory to Glory. And let your testimony be an epistle written on God’s heart!

▶▶Get your copy of Decrees That Unlock Heaven’s Power [e-book]:

Tommy & Miriam Evans

Tommy and Miriam Evans are revivalists dedicated to spreading global revival. They lead gatherings, miracle services, and supernatural school intensives. Founders of Revival Mandate International, they aim to glorify Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Authors of Decrees That Unlock Heaven’s Power and more, they’ve appeared on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural and Encounter Today. Both are members of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders with Generals International.


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