10 Prodigal Decrees: Partnering with Angels to Release God’s Promises Over Your Prodigal

…the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels (Matthew 13:39 NKJV).

Jesus said a sign of the end times and His coming would be angels becoming reapers.

There are at least two angels assigned to every person at birth (Matthew 18:10). Their assignment is to pull out the destiny God has planned for them. Your angels are briefed on your destiny and they work to bring it out of you. You may rebel against that destiny, but the angels are not going to stop trying until you die.

The division of evangelism angels help to draw destiny out of people and, of most importance, they draw you to Christ. You must be born again. There are three phases in this division.

Phase 1: The Prodigals

Millions of prodigals are about to come home. Many of them were raised in church and they know their Bible. We need to get them home and plugged in. I am convinced some of the greatest apostles, pastors, and ministers in this new era are prodigals who are returning to the church. I list this category first because we have to have them and because there has been a billion-soul harvest prophesied. I was in Chicago a few years ago and prophesied that the greatest exodus in history would not be the exodus of the million souls Moses led out of Egyptian bondage. Rather, it would be an exodus of a billion souls leaving worldly bondage and returning to their roots in this new era.

Phase 2: New Converts

Brand-new, born-again ones are coming in. It’s harvest time and evangelism angels are assisting in the harvest of new souls coming into the Kingdom of God.

Phase 3: Evangelists

The fivefold ministry office of an evangelist will be restored and connected to apostolic hubs. This office has to function and we need present-day “Billy Grahams” to come forth. The potential is unlimited and what we are about to see take place in the body of Christ is incredible.

I believe our sons and daughters are going to prophesy. Our sons and daughters are going to dream the dream of their God. Holy Spirit is going to pour out His power from Heaven to change them, heal their minds, and cleanse their drug-fogged thinking to realign and reset their hearts and reactivate their purpose. Holy Spirit is going to awaken them—spirit, soul, and body—and purge demon confusion from them with the truth that sets them free.

Our prodigals are not too far gone. The arm of the Lord is not short. He can reach them. They are not a hopeless cause. They are not unredeemable. They have not fallen too far. They are not too confused to come to their senses. That’s a demon lie. Power is coming to liberate them. The power of the living God is coming to explode the demon doctrines and confusion and set them free.

Their destinies are not lost. What God planned for each one of them before they were ever born will not be stolen from them. Believe and decree what God says. Fight for what God says and make a stand for the children, for the coming generation. They are part of the billion soul harvest. A Jesus Movement is now in process that is far greater than the Jesus Movement in the 1960s, ‘70s, and early ‘80s. What a great movement that was, but that will pale in comparison to what God has planned for now.

You can mark it down. There are some demonized people who have brought great harm to children who, unless there is repentance, will face God putting millstones around their necks. An Ekklesia must rise and unashamedly say what God says. We must say it. We must vote for biblical values. We must stand for it. We must fight. We must boldly rise and make a public stand against the sexual exploitation of children, the teaching of critical race theory (CRT), gender confusion, woke agendas, and other craziness.

We must make our stand. Our kids will not be pronoun puppets for the world’s insanity. They will not be the lab kids for evil to experiment on with its sick agenda. They are not gender confused. They are our sons and daughters. We are their mothers and their fathers, not DNA donors. Where the world has made attempts, we must stand and take authority in the Name of Jesus. We must decree and declare that our children are destined to be who God says they are.

We trust what Jesus said in Matthew 18:6 (AMPC):

But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in and acknowledge and cleave to Me to stumble and sin [that is, who entices him or hinders him in right conduct or thought], it would be better (more expedient and profitable or advantageous) for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be sunk in the depth of the sea.

I didn’t say that, the King of kings said it. Those who are purposefully leading children from Christ’s teaching will find that God never lies. Evil will lose its voice and there are going to be consequences—and the angels are going to help us get that done.

An outpouring of the Holy Spirit has begun. It’s in process and growing in greater and greater measure right in front of our eyes. It’s an outpouring that is empowering the true church to stand and change things. It’s coming to set our sons, daughters, and grandkids free. Multiplied millions of them around the world are going to become passionate, Spirit-filled believers running with their God-given destinies. Our prodigals are coming home.

What a magnificent promise is set before the heirs who believe what God says and His promise. Intensify your prayers for the coming generation. An awesome promise, assisted by mighty angels, is coming to help set a targeted generation free, who will dream God’s dream and prophesy His Word. That’s what God says.

Prophetic Word

“I am rewriting the story of the downcast, the bruised, the forsaken, the wounded, and the captives. Their witness of Me shall be My declaration throughout the ages. I am the Lord mighty to save.”


Lord, I pray for an outpouring of Your Spirit on our sons, daughters, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I pray that a Jesus Movement greater than any other will begin to sweep this land and around the world. I bind lying spirits. I bind evil communication. The angels of God are here to assist us in taking back a mighty part of our harvest. Our children will sing Your songs. Our children will dream Your dreams. Our children will minister under the anointing of Your Holy Spirit. They will be mighty members of Your Kingdom. Hell will not stop it.

I pray, God, that Your angels would assist this word around this planet now. Let the prophets, apostles, and intercessors hear. Let the decree go forth. It is time.

Let there be an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit that will bring light into the darkness the enemy has tried to wrap around their minds and set them free. Let truth penetrate darkness. Let light shine upon the way to go. Let the calling voice of the Father resonate deep inside their being, through the fog of drugs or alcohol, through the fog of demon teachings. Light their souls with the purpose that You have in mind for them.

I thank You for all of Your promises and we decree we will embrace these promises. We will fight for them. Angels will hear our voices declaring freedom to the coming generation, declaring with authority, “You cannot have them! No weapon formed against them is going to prosper. The watchmen will rise and you will be defeated.”

Let it accelerate according to Your plans and we will steward it as best we can under the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’s name. Amen.


  1. We decree angels are being released to assist in bringing all generations home.

  2. We decree harvest is now and prodigals are returning to the Father.

  3. We declare angels are working with us to see destiny accomplished in and through our children. We say destiny is not lost and will not be stolen from them.

  4. We decree a Jesus Movement has begun and an outpouring released over our sons, daughters, and our grandchildren.

  5. We decree our children will sing Your songs and dream Your dreams. They will prophesy.

  6. We declare we will make our stand and reclaim our land and angel armies will assist.

  7. We decree great leaders from the coming generation are rising to take their place in the King’s Ekklesia.

  8. We decree supernatural encounters with King Jesus are accelerating.

  9. We decree prodigals are coming to their senses, realizing they have been lied to by the enemy, and are returning home.

  10. We decree Jeremiah 24:7 (NLV): “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart.”

Tim Sheets

Dr. Tim Sheets is an Apostle, Pastor, and Author based in southwestern Ohio. He ministers nationally and internationally at conferences, churches, seminars, and Bible schools. He is a graduate of Christ For the Nations Institute and has a Doctorate of Divinity from Christian Life School of Theology. He is the author of Angel Armies, Angel Armies on Assignment, Planting the Heavens, Heaven Made Real, The New Era of Glory, Ninjas with Feathers, and the newly released Prayers and Decrees that Activate Angel Armies.

Dr. Sheets is the founder of AwakeningNow Prayer Network and travels throughout a 10 state region holding prayer assemblies and establishing 24/7 prayer in local churches. He is also the Pastor of Oasis Church in Middletown, Ohio.

He resides with his wife, Carol, in Lebanon, Ohio. They have two children, Rachel (Mark) Shafer, and Joshua (Jessica) Sheets, and 7 grandchildren (Madeline, Lily, Jude, Jaidin, Joelle, Sam, and Grace).


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