The Spirit of God is Upon YOU


(Smith Wigglesworth - August 1925)

The Word is God Himself.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1).

This creates in us an attitude of rest, because all our hope is in the Word of the living God. The Word of God abideth forever; it is always able to help us. Oh, the glorious truths found therein!

Never compare this book with other books. This book is from heaven. It does not contain the Word of God; it IS the Word of God. It is supernatural in origin, eternal in duration and value, infinite in scope, and divine in authorship.

Read it through!

Pray it in!

Write it down!

And what does the Word say? It says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom...” (Proverbs 9:10). In the fear of the Lord we begin to realize our weakness, which moves us to wisely receive the greatness of redemption. Knowledge is coupled with joy. We cannot have the knowledge of the Lord without joy.

Not only do we have joy; we have peace. Faith brings peace. Not faith through long petitions, but faith by grace brings peace. Peace is found where faith is undisturbed. That is eternal faith—daring always to believe what God has said.

If you’ll dare to trust Him, you’ll find your desire always comes to pass. But there must be no wavering, for “… let not that man think he shall receive any thing of the Lord” ( James 1:7).


Become an Expression of the King

Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan.... Luke 4:1

What does it really mean to “… be filled with the Spirit,” like Ephesians 5:18 tells us? We all need to know. Oh, the difference it makes when we understand the baptism of the Holy Spirit and know the flow of the life of the Spirit! How the Word becomes illuminated by the Spirit! We leap for joy, beyond anything we have ever done before, with holy laughter!

Out of the shadow, the reality of the substance, that infilling of the Spirit which had been promised, has come. Our glorious Lord, who can speak as no other, is here to help the oppressed!

The King unfolds His will. He covers His child, flooding the soul with open vision; with untiring zeal. Fire! Fire! Fire! It burns intensely in the human soul, until the person becomes an expression of the King!

I know the Lord laid His hand on me;
He filled me with the Holy Ghost.
I know the Lord laid His hand on me.

This Jesus, this wonder-working Jesus, came to be King. Is He King? Yes! And He must reign in our lives. Oh, to so yield that He always has the first place! Glory be to God! His Spirit has come to abide forever, flooding our souls, for Jesus said, “When I go, I will send Him unto you” ( John 16:7, paraphrased).

Has He come to you? Has He come to you?
Has the Comforter come to you?

The Lord said that He will reprove the world of sin when the Comforter comes to us. God has given us an enrichment, a perfection of revelation, in Him. The Spirit came to fill the Body and to bring forth that which all the prophets had spoken of, taking of the things of Jesus and showing them unto us.

Filled with the Spirit

The woman in John 4 had a well. After the Holy Ghost had come, she had a river. Rivers of living water began to flow out of her.

A prophetic utterance is part of the infilling of the Spirit, and it flows like a river. It is a divine incoming, helping to fill the Body unto all the fullness of God. It is like a flash of lightning, opening up divine revelation.

By it, we realize we can dance and sing in the Spirit. We can enjoy sweeter music and rarity of character (the character of Christ in us, the hope of glory). We see a vision of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. These divine revelations are what the baptism of the Holy Spirit brings to us through prophecy and other means.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. He is ever unveiling, making manifest, breathing upon humanity in a great way, burning, quickening, until men cry out, “What must we do to be saved?” So comes the breath of life, burning with intensity until the world feels the warmth and cries out for God.

Oh, the joy of being filled with the Holy Ghost and having the divine purpose of taking His fire to the world! We must have such activity in season and out of season, with the sense of divine approval!

As the apostles were in their day, we are to be in our day: filled unto all the fullness of God, with the same Holy Ghost, the same warmth, the same life—the same heaven in the soul.

The Holy Ghost brings heaven to us as He reveals Jesus, who is the King of heaven. Oh, the perfection of belonging to Him in whom we have a heavenly preparation for every need!

There is no need to groan, cry, travail, or sigh. The Word says: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me… (Luke 4:18).

We have the Spirit of the Lord. We have the sense of the Holy Ghost, the knowledge of His power, the sweetness of His experience, the wonder of His breath. He is lifting the Word, making all things new, meeting the present need in our lives.

These are the last days. They are very wonderful and blessed with signs. The breath of the Spirit is unfolding God’s truths and helping mankind to know Jesus.

Enforcement of Expression

I believe in the Holy Ghost. And I believe that God gave us the Holy Ghost for true Son-likeness, Son-expressiveness, and enforcement of that expression.

In Sweden, a large platform was erected in a park for meetings on the condition that this Englishman would not put his hands on the people and pray.

I said, “Lord, You know all about this. I believe You can work.”

The Lord revealed His presence and healed and saved the people anyway at the meetings. I simply said, “Who here is in need? Put your hands up.”

Hands went up all over. I saw a large woman with her hand up.

I said, “Tell your trouble!”

She said that pains were all over her body. She was in terrible distress. I said, “Lift up your hands in Jesus’ Name!”

Jesus came to heal the sick, to loose those the devil had bound, to set the captives free. He said, “GREATER works than these shall you who believe on me do’’ ( John 14:12, paraphrased).

We have the power of His Name to use against the enemy. I said to the woman, “In the Name of Jesus, I set you free. Are you freer.”

She replied, “Yes, perfectly free!”

GOD put His hands on the people! He had wonderful ways of meeting the need there.

I believe to see the glory of God. I believe to see God setting people free from all weakness.

Making Disciples of All Nations

Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon make disciples of all nations” (Luke 4:18; Matthew 28:19, paraphrased).

In New Zealand, when I first preached this glorious truth, I saw hundreds baptized. In Sweden, however, the Lutheran church was not pleased. A woman in the king’s household was healed, but I was forced to leave the country.

On one occasion there, I stayed on a side street. I arrived at nine-thirty; but the meeting was not until four-thirty, so I went to the coast for a few hours of rest. When I came back, the street was full from end to end with wheelchairs and cars filled with the helpless and needy. The conveners said, “What shall we do?”

I said, “The Holy Ghost came to abide, to reign in supreme royal dignity. Live in His unction, freedom, inspiration, and be like a flowing river—nothing less—that God may be glorified.”

God loosed the people that day and brought deliverance to the captives. Was that all that happened? No, only the beginning! The house I was at was packed, too!

Oh, the joy of being ready for God to use us! God must set us all on fire. There is much land to be possessed, and we must possess it. The fields are white unto harvest!

Oh, the cry of the people that day—talk about weeping! There is such a joy in weeping. It is an awful place if you cannot weep with the breath of God upon you as they did that day.

I went on helping the people. God said to me as dearly as possible, Ask Me! I will give you all in the place.

I thought it was too big a request to ask. He whispered again, Ask! I will give you all in the house.

I said, “O my God, say it again.”

Ask of Me. I will give you all in the house.

I said, “I ask! I ask in faith! I believe it!”

The breath of heaven filled the place. The people continued to fall down, weeping and repenting.

Oh, the breath of the Spirit! There is something WONDERFUL in this breath!

The Spirit Is Upon ME

Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me...” (Luke 4:18). “And it is upon me, upon ME” we can say.

May God move in our hearts to act in this truth. Do you want God to have you in His splendid place of the moving of His Spirit? Is it the cry and the longing of your heart to come to this place? God can only choose those filled to the uttermost to be there. Do you long to be filled to the uttermost; are you hungering and thirsting after God’s fullness? Stand in a living experience, as Jesus did. Say, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon ME!” and what you desire will happen.

God grant it to every one of you. Amen.

(originally posted by

Smith Wigglesworth

Smith Wigglesworth was an extraordinary student in the school of faith. A man wholly yielded to the Spirit, Wigglesworth became a "Pentecostal phenomenon," a vessel of God's supernatural power. This legendary preacher cast out demons, healed the sick, and stirred up passion for God in the hearts of thousands.

Rorbert Liardon (editor) is pastor in Irvine, California. He has preached in more than 80 nations with a huge ministry in Europe, Asia and Africa. His books were translated into more than 27 languages and they are all around the world.


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