Personal Assesment: Uncovering Obstacles Keeping You From Connecting with Holy Spirit


Over the course of my life, I have had a massive variety of experiences with Holy Spirit.

Some of these experiences were very powerful and formative. Some of my experiences were gentle and comforting. And yet other experiences were eye-opening and very educational.

I’ll never forget the time when I was five years old and my babysitter failed to come pick me up at my bus stop. She had been confused about the time that she was supposed to meet me, and I was left to figure out what to do. Cell phones weren’t around yet, so I couldn’t call my parents.

As I started to try to find my way home, I was really scared; however, I sensed Holy Spirit gently walking by my side and encouraging me to keep walking. I received step-by-step impressions as to where I was to walk: down a sidewalk, up a hill, across a stream, and up to our house. When I arrived at my home, Holy Spirit reminded me about the hide-a-key I could use to unlock the back door. I let myself in the house and used the phone in the kitchen to call my parents to let them know I was safe at home.

In another experience with Holy Spirit, I was living in China for the summer and was startled awake from a violent nightmare. I remember trying to calm myself down by going to the bathroom and reading my Bible, but the images and residue emotions from the dream kept accosting me. Finally, I went out in the hallway of the dorm where I was staying and asked Holy Spirit to help me settle down and give me peace. Holy Spirit met me there. After about thirty minutes, I was able to return to my bed and fall back to sleep.

These two experiences communicate that Holy Spirit helps us in times of crisis, which is super comforting! But I also want to share that Holy Spirit can help us during a normal day as we live out our routine existence. During the COVID-19 pandemic, when we were all in lockdown and doing the work-from-home adventure, I endeavored to take a walk every day. It was abundantly helpful.

On these walks, Holy Spirit and I would talk about the stress of being locked in, the uncertainty of the future, various struggles from my childhood, present conflicts in relationships, and the weak spots in my emotions. One of the positive outcomes for me from the pandemic was the daily walk I had with Holy Spirit. I have also experienced many supernatural demonstrations and miracles because of Holy Spirit’s presence. Some of these experiences include healings, supernatural information, divine direction, protection, miracles, and lots more.

It seems to me that we can have hindrances that prevent us from cultivating a growing relationship with Holy Spirit. For some people, supernatural stuff is problematic. For others, miracles and divine demonstrations are to be valued and pursued. These people gravitate to Holy Spirit gifts that are discussed in 1 Corinthians 12. On the other side, some people are very comfortable with Holy Spirit being character oriented and enjoy working on their integrity and the fruits of the Spirit that are discussed in Galatians 5, while the supernatural stuff makes them jittery. Furthermore, I’ve talked with lots of people who have asked Holy Spirit for supernatural help, such as healing or miracles, but they haven’t seen or experienced what they requested. The subsequent disappointment can be perplexing and frustrating.

To be clear, all relationships have obstacles. I have often found, however, that working through those obstacles is a great way to deepen the connection we can have. The same is true for our ability to connect with Holy Spirit. Let’s look at some hindrances and difficult experiences that might present challenges in our pursuit of deepening our relationship with Holy Spirit.

Let’s assess and explore your own experiences with Holy Spirit. In the following assessment, consider which answers most apply to you.


1. How much background do you have with Holy Spirit?

A. None—Holy Spirit is entirely new to me
B. Some exposure in religious contexts
C. Interacting with Spirit-filled people
D. Attend(ed) a Charismatic church
E. Studying the gifts and/or fruit of Holy Spirit
F. Believe that Pentecost was when Holy Spirit got promoted

2. What interactions describe your experiences with Holy Spirit?

A. Hearing a priest or pastor talk about Holy Spirit in a prayer
B. Conversations with other believers about Holy Spirit “extremists”
C. Being prayed over to receive Holy Spirit by praying in tongues
D. Experiencing one of Holy Spirit’s gifts (healing, miracle, prophecy, etc.)
E. Vague awareness of Holy Spirit from occasional mentions in church, prayers, creeds, etc.
F. Hearing or reading an occasional sermon, podcast, blog about Holy Spirit
G. Disappointment from not receiving a Holy Spirit gift
H. Repelled by strange behavior a Spirit-filled Christian exhibited
I. Speaking in tongues
J. Supernatural experience that has influenced your awareness of Holy Spirit

3. What is interesting to you about Holy Spirit?

A. Gifts of Holy Spirit
B. Trinity relationships among Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
C. Fruits of Holy Spirit
D. Expression on Pentecost
E. Demonstration in daily living
F. Involvement in Jesus’ ministry
G. Descriptions and discussion in Paul’s epistles
H. Presence in daily living
I. Presence in the Old Testament

4. What would you consider to be your greatest hurdle toward connecting more with Holy Spirit?

A. Holy Spirit seems illogical, not well-explained in rational intellect
B. Intangible nature: not seen, audibly heard, physically felt, etc.
C. Bad experiences around Spirit-filled people
D. Sketchy theology in sermons, podcasts, blogs, etc.
E. Lack of personal experience with Holy Spirit
F. Other?

5. In what way(s) would you be open to knowing and/or experiencing Holy Spirit?

A. Power demonstration to include Holy Spirit gifts
B. Comfort in your heart and soul
C. Greater biblical awareness
D. Character formation
E. Help in daily living

Identify, Connect, and Deepen


Now, let’s look at some lesser-known Bible verses that reveal and describe Holy Spirit’s activity. As you read through these verses, note the characteristics that stand out to you. Then circle the characteristics that you want to know better or experience more.

Isaiah 11:2–“The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.”

Judges 14:6–“The Spirit of the Lord came upon him [Samson] mightily, so that he tore him as one tears a young goat though he had nothing in his hand….”

Luke 3:22–“And the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven, ‘You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.’”

Matthew 4:1–“Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.”

John 20:22–“And when He [Jesus] had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’”

Acts 2:4–“And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.”

Romans 5:5-“…because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

Romans 8:16–“The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God.”

1 Corinthians 2:10–“For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.”

2 Corinthians 13:14–“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.”

Ephesians 3:16–“That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man.”


Something Creative: Do you have a medium for creativity that you enjoy? Is cooking a creative outlet for you? How about scrapbooking? Do you enjoy playing a musical instrument or singing? Or is painting or drawing something enjoyable to you? Perhaps you like to write, whether fiction, poetry, or nonfiction. Pick your preferred creative outlet and select one of the verses to express through your preferred medium for creativity. For cooking, maybe you could think about the ingredients from Holy Spirit that could go into the verse you’ve selected and identify processes to facilitate that verse—marinating, proofing, blending, seasoning, baking, etc.

Something Active: What are some activities you enjoy? These can be activities related to physical exercise—walking, weightlifting, jogging, swimming, team sports, yoga, etc.—or activities related to cleaning, organizing, decorating, yard work, gardening, etc. Whatever activity you prefer, select one of the verses and memorize it while you’re doing that activity. As you memorize it, imagine how you could see that verse being active in your daily life.

Something Contemplative: Do you enjoy being in nature? Do you find it fulfilling to let a sunrise slowly brighten your soul? Are you a night owl who enjoys the stillness and quiet that happens when everyone is sleeping? Pick a verse from the list and find a word in that verse that particularly captures your attention, and then settle into that word. Let it echo in your thoughts, feelings, desires, and presence. Consider journaling or making a verbal memo about your experiences.


As you reflect on your answers from the Assessment, bring whatever obstacle, challenge, hurdle, or struggle that you’ve identified as a hindrance for you with Holy Spirit in prayer. How do you sense Holy Spirit replying to this challenge? Are there some people you need to forgive? Might you need to repent for some unforgiveness, pride, independence, or something that could have caused some disconnect with Holy Spirit?


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